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Pet Donkey Presumed Lost For Years Is Actually Having The Time Of His Life With A New Family

Pet Donkey Presumed Lost For Years Is Actually Having The Time Of His Life With A New Family

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Sometimes, the bonds formed between animals of different species can be astonishing, creating stories that seem almost too magical to be true. 

This was exactly the case when a donkey, whom they thought had passed away a long time ago, was discovered living with an unexpected new family.

During a routine hunting trip, triathlete and outdoorsman Max Fennell stumbled upon something extraordinary: a donkey mingling with a herd of elk. 

Fennell, taken aback by the sight, described it as ‘one of my wildest hunting trips to date.’

elks on a pasture
Credit: Instagram

The donkey behaved as though it was just another member of the elk herd, fully accepted and integrated. Fennell shared his amazement on Instagram, noting how the donkey appeared happy and healthy among its new companions.

The story took an even more remarkable turn when Fennell learned about the donkey’s past. 

donkey amongst elks
Credit: Instagram

Comments flooded in, revealing that this donkey was no ordinary stray. It had been a local legend, living with the elk for years. 

David Drewry, the donkey’s former owner, added a poignant detail: their donkey, actually named Diesel, had gone missing years ago.

David and his wife, Terrie, live on a ranch near Auburn, California. Diesel had disappeared during a hiking trip, likely scared off by a mountain lion. 

As time passed without any sign of him, the Drewrys had come to terms with the heartbreaking belief that their beloved donkey was gone for good.

man hugging donkey
Credit: YouTube

But Diesel had not met an unfortunate end. Instead, he had embarked on an incredible journey, finding a new life and family among the wild elk. The Drewrys were overjoyed to learn that their old friend was alive and thriving. As Terrie Shared for CBS Sacramento:

“It was amazing. It was like, oh my gosh. Finally, we saw him. Finally, we know he’s good. He’s living his best life. He’s happy. He’s healthy, and it was just a relief.”

Diesel’s integration into the elk herd was more than just acceptance; it was a mutual relationship. He had become a protector, defending the herd from predators like coyotes and mountain lions. 

For the past several years, Diesel had found his purpose among the elk, making it clear that his place was now in the wild.

Given how much time had passed, the Drewrys realized that bringing Diesel back home would be nearly impossible. At eight years old, Diesel had spent most of his life with the elk, becoming a ‘wild burro’ in his own right. 

They understood that he was fulfilling a role he was seemingly meant for, thriving in his new natural habitat. As Terrie said:

“He’s out there doing what he’s raised to do.”

Wow! What an amazing story! Feel free to share it with your friends and brighten their day!