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Lonely Rescue Fox’s Heart Heals When Three Orphaned Furbabies Enter Her World

Lonely Rescue Fox’s Heart Heals When Three Orphaned Furbabies Enter Her World

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Love is the most powerful force – even in the animal kingdom. It has the power to mend any broken heart, heal any wound, and wipe away all the tears. 

The story I have for you today is a great testament to the power of love. It revolves around an adorable fox named Hope who spent six months all alone until a twist of fate altered her destiny. 

Hope was found on the side of the road in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, in very rough shape. 

A group of animal control officers captured her and took her straight to the Newhouse Wildlife Rescue, a non-profit that focuses on rehabilitating injured and orphaned wildlife. Here, Jane Newhouse welcomed her with open arms. 

The vet thoroughly examined her, diagnosing Hope with canine vestibular disease –  a condition characterized by sudden loss of balance, disorientation, head tilt, and jerking eye movements.

Jane and her team provided excellent care for Hope, ensuring she received everything she needed. 

Thankfully, after spending about six months at the Massachusetts rescue, Hope recovered significantly. Her balance improved greatly, and she felt much better. 

However, Jane soon realized that her foxy friend had a different kind of problem: She was lonely!

Without any other foxes at the rescue, Hope was alone, longing for the companionship that only another fox could provide.

Around that time, Jane received three baby foxes, all orphans and each from a different mother. 

Initially, Jane tried to raise them separately, but that proved to be a difficult task. As she explained in an interview:

“It’s difficult to teach baby foxes how to fox without an adult. If they’re too used to people, and we release them, they’re gonna be approaching people and scaring people.”

Therefore, Jane decided to place the three babies together in one enclosure, moving them right next to Hope’s. 

Jane had never planned on introducing Hope to the baby foxes, fearing she might be aggressive and violent towards them.  

However, she soon noticed that Hope, who had never tried to dig out of her enclosure, began doing so. It all pointed out that she was trying to reach the babies. 

Similarly, the little foxes were also trying to reach Hope, eager to meet her. Jane observed their behavior for about a week before deciding to finally introduce them.

The first time she brought them all together, Jane put a muzzle on Hope. She was anxious but at the same time eager to see how it would all go. 

However, their first encounter exceeded Jane’s expectations. As she described:

“There was no growling, there was no fear, and all the kits were immediately excited.” 

It soon became clear that both sides needed each other – Hope, who had spent so long being alone, and the babies, who were missing their mothers during this crucial period of their lives. It was definitely for their mutual benefit.

Wanting to be extra careful, Jane made sure to never leave Hope alone with the babies without supervision. 

However, after a couple of days, Jane realized she had nothing to worry about. Hope was as fond of the little foxes as they were of her. 

She could tell that Hope had been a mother before by how she cared for them. She taught them to fear humans, which was crucial for their survival.

Motherhood brought great joy to Hope, who proved to be an amazing mother. As Jane pointed out:

“She’s such a good mom. She would wait to eat often until they’d eaten. When they’re sleeping she would sleep right beside the igloo that they go into. They’ll pull on her face, and pull on her ears, and she’s just so patient.”

What could have ended tragically instead turned into a heartwarming success due to Jane’s decision to introduce them to each other. Her experiment was absolutely worth it.

Jane continued taking care of Hope and her kits until they grew big enough to be released back into the wild.

Since they got along so well, Jane planned to release them together, hoping their bond would continue to blossom. 

Soon, that day arrived, and Jane took Hope and the kits into the forest. There, she opened their carrier and set them free into their natural habitat.

I am immensely happy that Hope and the three foxes received their well-deserved happy ending. I hope they enjoy many years together, filled with companionship and love.