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Lifeless Puppy Abandoned On Doorstep Inside Box With Heartbreaking Note

Lifeless Puppy Abandoned On Doorstep Inside Box With Heartbreaking Note

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Well, I’ve heard stories like this a few times, and it still boggles my mind. How could someone leave a poor animal behind, especially if it’s sick? 

But then there are people like Janine Guido, the president of Speranza Animal Rescue, who show us that kindness and hope can still exist, even when faced with cruelty. 

Janine’s story began with a phone call on a random morning. It wasn’t just any ordinary call, though. 

It was from her mother, who had found a lifeless puppy on her doorstep, hidden inside an Amazon box. 

puppy in a box
Credit: Facebook

What started as fear turned into a frantic search for help when they realized that the 11-month-old Border Collie mix was barely alive.

After investigating further, she found a note on the box that explained why the puppy, named Blu, was in such bad shape. 

note on a box
Credit: Facebook

He had only been with his old owner for a short time before getting very sick. The note also mentioned that he was deaf and he might have ingested something harmful, and his old owner couldn’t do much to help him, which made things even harder for him. 

He was in really bad condition when they found him. He was dirty, his fur was all tangled, and his eyes didn’t even react to light. 

hand holding a note
Credit: Facebook

Janine knew she had to act fast, so she took Blu to the vet right away. When they got there, they realized how serious things were. Blu wasn’t doing too good – he was dehydrated and having seizures. 

However, Janine was determined to help the little pup and even gave him a new name – G.I. Joe

They took him to a special doctor who looked after him carefully, giving him fluids through a tube to save his life. 

abandoned puppy lying
Credit: Facebook

G.I. Joe had a lot to go through, but there was hope things will get better. He’s been very strong, enduring the treatments well and even learning to move a bit in his little space.

However, diagnosing the cause of his illness has been quite a challenge. An MRI and spinal tap have been scheduled to help identify the exact issue. 

While serious conditions like distemper or tick-borne diseases are the possibilities, not knowing G.I. Joe’s history complicates his treatment. 

two dogs meeting
Credit: Facebook

One thing is for sure though – G.I. Joe’s fighting spirit is giving Janine and the Speranza Animal Rescue team hope. 

And the great news just keeps on coming! He has made a lot of progress with time and now he’s living in a foster home. 

He’s doing really well and his fun-loving personality is really showing! Well, this brave puppy might just have a happy ending.