Categorizing dog breeds is a great way to find out which dog breed is the best one for you. Your wishes when it comes to the characteristics of your perfect dog might not be met if you are not searching for a dog in the fitting category.
Least obedient dog breeds are for those people who like to have a dog that has its own personality. If you are looking for a dog that will always do what they wish to do, and not what they are supposed to or told to do, this list will be the one for you.
Also, if you are a person who is looking for dog breeds that will be great for obedience training, this list will give you all of the possible answers for: which breed not to buy.
These dogs are all charming in their own ways, and definitely have personalities of their own. Let’s find out which dog breeds of the dog kingdom are the least obedient ones!
1. Scottish Terrier
Scottish Terriers are on the list of least obedient dog breeds because they were bred to be hunting and tracing dogs.
This makes any kind of dog have these crazy instincts to go beyond their owner’s command, no matter how attached they are to their owner, and how lovable they are.
2. Dachshund
Dachshunds were developed as foxes, weasels, rodents, and even boar hunters. They have courage, self-reliance, and tenacity.
They are infamously challenging to housebreak and teach. They require activities that will keep their brain and body engaged because they are vivacious and bright. Their rebellious nature can be made worse by boredom.
They may be motivated to completely dig up your back yard because they have been bred to follow their desire to dig tunnels while pursuing badgers.
They enjoy barking as well. Dachshunds can be prevented from acting destructively with puzzle and interactive dog toys.
3. Chihuahua
Their bark will cut right through your eardrums. For such a small breed, they produce a significant amount of noise. Chihuahuas frequently reach a maximum height of only eight inches.
These small dogs are pretty mean towards strangers, and sometimes even towards their owner. They have odd personalities that are really hard to manage.
4. Borzoi
You would be correct in assuming that a dog raised to fight wolves may have an autonomous mindset and be less likely to comply with humans. This is the Borzoi.
The Borzoi, once known as the Russian Wolfhound, will chase whatever it can, and doesn’t really care about obeying commands. The AKC says that they can be recalcitrant in their silent, cat-like nature, so coaching is best done with persistence, patience, and a sense of humor.
They must be held on a leash or permitted to run in a secure area because of their great urge to chase objects. This is not the kind of dog that will saunter leisurely behind you on a hike when left unattended.
5. Bloodhound
The Bloodhound was developed to track deer and wild boar, and when on the hunt, he was required to be independent-thinking.
Without proper training, the Bloodhound’s rebellious nature can make him highly unruly in modern times. Bloodhounds have an infinite supply of energy, and will travel to the far corners of the earth to find their prey.
The Bloodhound is described as “the meaning of the word stubborn” by Dogtime. A lot of care, training, and exercise can help the Bloodhound develop into a sensitive, understanding family pet.
Many people think the label “blooded” hound comes from the fact that these dogs were once maintained as prestige hounds by members of the royal family.
6. Basenji
The Basenji has a highly cat-like disposition, just like the Chow Chow. They were developed to be solo hunters, much like the Afghan Hound. Although they are known as the “barkless dog,” this does not imply that they are silent.
They produce a noise that has been compared to a cackle and a yodel. Your neighbors might not find it as endearing as you do.
They require early socialization and training. They struggle to concentrate throughout training because of their limitless energy and limited attention span.
The excellent thing is that you are able to utilize positive reinforcement training methods on them because they have a strong desire to play.
7. Pug
When they first began to serve their owners in the historic Han period, believe it or not, Pugs were avid hunters.
They frequently run off if they see something that they wish to chase because they are hunting dogs. Your orders to stay, heel, or sit will definitely be ignored.
Pugs are known for their stubborn nature, and their free will that nobody in this world has the power to influence.
8. Beagle
Beagles were trained to follow their nose all day long in search of prey; therefore, it can be difficult to train them to obey your commands rather than their nose.
It takes imagination to train them because of their obstinacy and propensity to follow their nose. Your Beagle won’t care what time of day it is if he spots something outside a window that he wants to chase.
Additionally, they were created to bay while on a hunt so that people can track the bark of the dog pack.
Your Beagle won’t care what hour of day (or night) it is if he spots anything outside the house that he feels the need to chase. To prevent them from acting destructively, they require a lot of activity.
9. Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound has been originally developed to pursue prey over long ranges for the whole day long (maybe that is why they are so pricey!).
Instead of asking their master for guidance, these sighthounds had to use their own judgment to keep tabs on the prey. These days, those characteristics are exhibited as independence and aloofness.
They compensate for their inability to adhere by being incredibly kind and devoted. No amount of training, according to owners of this noble breed, will be able to suppress their innate desire to pursue prey.
To satisfy their desire to actually sprint and run, they must have the chance to do it at least a couple of times per week in a sizable, properly-adjusted area.
It can be difficult to get them to pay attention to you rather than constantly scanning the surroundings looking for something to catch.
10. Chow Chow
It’s claimed that Chow Chows have highly cat-like characteristics. They are autonomous, aristocratic, distant, introverted, smart, and stubborn.
Due to their inherent independence, they frequently choose to refuse your commands unless you can persuade them that doing so will benefit them.
Without receiving a lot of interaction as puppies, Chow Chows, no matter if male or female, are indeed susceptible to developing territorial behavior and aggression toward any human or canine outside of their close family.
They can be a liability anywhere other than your own property because of this, yet they can make great guard dogs. They are quite difficult to persuade that not all outsiders pose a threat to your family.
11. Shiba Inu
The Shiba Inu is another breed with a cat-like personality, known for its independence and stubbornness. These dogs often choose to ignore commands unless they see a personal advantage.
Their strong prey drive and aloofness make training a persistent challenge.
12. Siberian Husky
Siberian Huskies are intelligent but notoriously free-spirited. Originally bred to pull sleds, they have a strong work ethic but are often uninterested in obedience commands.
Their mischievous nature and love for running off make training a test of patience and creativity.