When you decide to get a cat, you have the option to adopt or buy one from a breeder. If you’re looking for a specific breed, you usually turn to a breeder.
However, it’s crucial to research the breeder thoroughly to ensure the cats are treated well and living happily. Here’s why:
One day, a man brought a cute white kitten to a vet clinic, asking for it to be euthanized. Kim Soldan’s husband, who worked there, quickly took the kitten from the man. The reason for wanting the kitten euthanized was shocking.
The kitten had a genetic mutation called polydactyly, which meant he had extra toes. The breeder couldn’t sell him because of this. Isn’t that awful?
Kim’s husband brought the kitten home and named him Skywalker. Little did Skywalker know, he was about to join a wonderful family with many dog and cat siblings. Among them was Mojito, a therapy dog who helped people in need.
Mojito immediately took to caring for Skywalker. They became inseparable, with Mojito teaching Skywalker how to watch birds, cuddle, and find the best nap spots.
Mojito was Skywalker’s favorite sibling. Sadly, Mojito was diagnosed with cancer shortly after the two became best friends. Despite surgeries and all the care from her family, she crossed the rainbow bridge. Kim shared on Instagram:
“Run free, Mojito. A piece of our hearts left last night and will never be filled. Thank you for 8 amazing years.”
Skywalker took this loss very hard. Mojito had been his best friend from the start, always cuddling with him at night. Kim posted an update saying:
“It’s no secret that Skywalker took it HARD when we lost his best friend, Mojito. So hard he ended up needing medication.”
Fortunately, Skywalker found comfort in his new sibling, Bellini, who helped heal his heart. As Kim shared:
“I hope he knows Mojito sent her, not just for us but for her siblings too. Looking how content he is here, I think he’s starting to finally make another special bond💜”
In the end, I’m so glad Kim’s husband saved Skywalker. Without him, this special kitten wouldn’t have had the chance to enjoy life at all, even if it was only a short time.
Thanks to them, Skywalker had the opportunity to enjoy his final days and brought joy to Mojito and their family. The memories they made with him will last a lifetime.