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Shelter Kitten About To Be Kicked Out For ‘Mean’ Behavior Gets A Second Chance

Shelter Kitten About To Be Kicked Out For ‘Mean’ Behavior Gets A Second Chance

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Little Jax, a kitten with a broken tail, was alone in the streets when kind shelter rescuers found him. 

The harsh street life was reflecting in his terrified eyes and how he broke his tail was uncertain. Rescuers couldn’t wait to bring him back to the shelter and shower him with some well-deserved love.

jax the mean kitten
Credit: YouTube

Instead of becoming a cuddle bug like all other rescued cats in their shelter, little Jax had a hard time adjusting to his new environment. 

It was so hard for him that the shelter labeled him as ‘mean’ and since no one was able to work with Jax they decided to release him back in the streets…

hands petting the kitten
Credit: YouTube

As luck would have it, around that time Lacy and her husband Marcus were on a mission to adopt a cat in need. Losing their beloved cat Hugo after 17 years together, the couple was ready to open their home and heart to a new cat.

Once they arrived at the shelter, they were informed about a troublesome kitten that was soon to be kicked out. Lacy immediately rushed to meet Jax, but he was not so interested. As she shared in a video:

“We walked into the shelter, Jax let me hold him for a little bit, didn’t seem too interested in me so I let him go.”

kitten in man's lap
Credit: YouTube

Then something truly amazing happened that left the shelter volunteers speechless. 

Lacy’s husband Marcus bonded with little Jax in a matter of seconds. As Lacy mentioned:

“My husband went and picked him up, and he just within seconds was curled up in my husband’s lap.”

man holding the kitten
Credit: YouTube

To make things even more interesting, Marcus never considered himself much of a cat person. That day he was chosen by Jax and the rest was history!

They officially adopted little Jax, but they were still concerned about his ‘mean’ behavior. Worried about how Jax would adjust to his new home, the couple hoped for the best.

kitten playing with a ball
Credit: YouTube

Lacy quickly figured out that little Jax didn’t have a behavior issue at all. He turned into the sweetest kitten on earth once he came to his forever home.

Turns out, Jax was terrified of the shelter environment, with too many animals and people around him every minute of his day. The poor boy just needed a safe place to call his own and for the first time in his life, he finally had one. 

kitten cuddling with woman
Credit: YouTube

From that day on, Jax was not mean or aggressive. He became a playful kitten, and his dad Marcus remained his favorite person ever. As Lacy said:

“They have a little morning routine. My husband will get up, Jax runs into the bathroom, brush his teeth together, everything. They have a whole setup that they do every morning.”

kitten sleeping on man's chest
Credit: YouTube

If it weren’t for Lacy and Marcus, little Jax would face a life on the streets because he was deemed aggressive. It took some gentle love and care for him to show everyone he was just a sweet little kitten who deserved a home like every other cat. 

I’m beyond grateful for Jax’s family and the second chance they gave him. If you want to keep up with Jax, make sure to follow him on Instagram!