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Kansas Police Responds To An Urgent Call About 13 Abandoned Puppies Amid High Temperatures

Kansas Police Responds To An Urgent Call About 13 Abandoned Puppies Amid High Temperatures

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People abandon animals every day, but sadly, with these extremely high temperatures, such animals don’t have much time if they don’t receive the help they need.

Fortunately, a recent event in Kansas ended happily as the police officers wasted no time in reacting and saving animals in desperate need of help.

On a scorching day, Kansas police officers received a call about abandoned puppies on the side of the road near 9th and Maple Streets in Garden City.

Moved by their plight and aware that they didn’t have much time due to high temperatures, the officers instantly embarked on a dramatic rescue mission.

However, upon arriving at the exact location, and discovering a total of 13 puppies, they were left speechless.

The officers couldn’t believe someone had abandoned the entire litter of puppies amid such extreme heat, leaving them to face a grim fate. Fortunately, they arrived in time and provided each puppy with the necessary assistance. 

After providing the puppies with everything they needed, the police department shared an update on Facebook, hoping to reunite them with their families or find them new loving homes:

“PUPPY LOVE: Officers found this sweet litter of puppies near 9th and Maple Streets (THIRTEEN of them). We made them junior “paw-tners” and showered them with love and attention before taking them to the animal shelter. Fingers crossed they are reunited with their family(s) soon!”

Further updates from the police department noted that all the puppies were ‘hot’ when found due to the temperatures in the area. Luckily, further examination revealed they were all in good health, thanks to the officers’ quick response.

As no one had contacted the police about the dogs, the investigation continued to determine if someone had abandoned the litter of puppies. The hope is to find the main culprit and press charges for this cruel act.

Until then, all 13 puppies are receiving extra care and attention at the department and will soon go to the Finney County Humane Society where they will continue to receive care and get a chance for a better life.