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Injured Mother Koala Refuses To Stop Caring For Her Young Baby

Injured Mother Koala Refuses To Stop Caring For Her Young Baby

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Nothing in this world compares to a mother’s love and dedication, even in the animal kingdom.

Take this wild mother koala for example. Despite being severely injured, she never stopped caring for her joey, ensuring its safety.

injured mother koala
Source: Koala Rescue

It all happened one day when Koala Rescue received an urgent call about mother koala and her joey cuddled up together on the ground.

Upon arriving at the location, the rescuers from Koala Rescue witnessed a heartwarming yet concerning scene. 

Mother koalas usually keep their babies high up in trees, safe from predators, so finding this pair on the ground was quite unusual.

woman and koala
Source: Koala Rescue

The rescuers carefully examined the koalas and discovered a sad truth. The mother koala, whom the rescuers named Mimsy, had a broken leg. 

Yet, what warmed everyone’s hearts was that even then, Mimsy refused to stop caring for her baby. Her joey, Lottie, was completely healthy, indicating that Mimsy had done a very good job.

cute koala
Source: Koala Rescue

After the examination, the rescuers transferred the koalas to Adelaide Koala & Wildlife Centre. There, Mimsy underwent a detailed examination. Even though the X-ray confirmed Mimsy had a leg fracture, it appeared to be healing well on its own.

However, such a process is extremely painful, so Mimsy was given pain medications to help her endure the healing period as comfortably as possible.

woman holding a koala
Source: Koala Rescue

The rescue staff were amazed by how wonderful a mother she was, despite the pain she endured. They shared on Facebook:

“Mimsy, in pain and unable to climb, had still managed to carry and protect Lottie and get to areas where they could get food, likely from the ground of very low eucalyptus branches. Mimsy has done an amazing job as Lottie is a good and healthy weight.”

The rescue staff immediately began treating Mimsy, as well as bottle-feeding Lottie. After receiving the much-needed care, Mimsy and Lottie were provided with a comfy bed where they could rest peacefully.

two koalas
Source: Koala Rescue

Thanks to professional care at the rescue, Mimsy quickly began to thrive. The staff slowly started expanding their habitat and the two were overjoyed. The rescue team shared an update:

“Mimsy’s weight has blossomed… and she’s no longer required to have pain relief management, although she really does love the cherry-flavored taste of Panadol. During her recovery, her baby, Lottie, has spent time with mom for cuddles and time away from mom socializing with her little buddy, Theo.”

Soon, Mimsy and Lottie will be released into their natural habitat, and the excitement is immense. After days of receiving professional help at the rescue, Mimsy and Lottie will finally get the chance to climb high into their favorite tree.

Until that special day, they will continue receiving the best possible care, because they deserve nothing less.