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Indianapolis Firefighters Rescue Distressed Owl At Local Soccer Field

Indianapolis Firefighters Rescue Distressed Owl At Local Soccer Field

Sharing is caring!

This cute owl found itself in a sticky situation one day, but thankfully, the Indianapolis Fire Department (IFD) came to the rescue. 

A concerned citizen visited an IFD station around 4 pm, informing them about an owl caught in a soccer goal net at the Saint Francis soccer fields on Arlington Avenue.

the firemen rescue the owl
Credit: YouTube

Upon receiving the call, the IFD crew immediately took action. Their goal? To free the owl without causing it any more distress. 

However, the firefighters encountered a tough challenge. They had to delicately remove the netting trapping the owl and also avoid getting pecked by the understandably anxious bird.

rescuing an owl stuck in a net

With sharp scissors, they carefully cut the net, moving the goal around to find better positions. After about 15 minutes of careful effort, the owl was finally released! 

an injured owl lies on a green surface
Credit: YouTube

Even though it looked a little chaotic and probably still frightened, the video shows the moment the owl, holding onto a piece of net, takes off into the sky.

Good job, IFD team! Thank you for your quick response and kind treatment of this tiny animal. I’m grateful for the everyday heroes who improve our world!