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Horse Disappears During Routine Field Stroll Only To Be Found Trapped In A Neck-Deep Sinkhole

Horse Disappears During Routine Field Stroll Only To Be Found Trapped In A Neck-Deep Sinkhole

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Many hidden dangers lurk beneath our feet, posing threats to both humans and animals. One such peril became all too real for a 27-year-old horse named Prince whose peaceful stroll through a familiar field led him into a life-threatening ordeal.

When a stable hand noticed Prince was missing, a frantic search ensued. The discovery was alarming – poor Prince was stuck in a neck-deep sinkhole, prompting an urgent rescue mission to bring him back to safety.

photo of trapped horse
Credit: Facebook

A local fire and rescue team swiftly arrived at the site. Witnessing an animal trapped in such a predicament wasn’t entirely new for these guys. However, it did require careful consideration and a thorough plan.

Damian Cameron, a seasoned technical rescue officer, reflected on this challenge in an interview:

“We’ve had similar incidents in the past where cows have got stuck in sink holes and we do have the option of putting slings around them and lifting them out. However, we felt this could be dangerous for Prince and so we opted to dig him out instead.”

rescue tim helping the horse
Credit: Facebook

As the rescue team formulated their plan, their top priority was to ensure Prince remained calm. Vets fitted him with a head collar, covered his eyes, and gently inserted cotton wool into his ears to muffle any noise that could distress him.

This careful approach was crucial because horses can become extremely stressed in such situations, especially when they can’t move, which can lead to life-threatening complications.

firefighters rescuing the trapped horse
Credit: Facebook

Once Prince was sedated, the delicate rescue mission began. A local business contributed an excavator to dig a sloped trench, creating a path for Prince’s way out.

With meticulous coordination and steady progress, the team successfully guided Prince out of the sinkhole, ensuring his safety along the way. The moment he emerged unscathed was nothing short of miraculous, bringing tears of joy to everyone involved.

Reuniting Prince with his worried owner, Helen Tempest, was a moment of pure joy. For Helen, this incident was a shocking first, as she explained:

“Prince was my first pony and he is the most relaxed horse I’ve ever dealt with. Because of his age, we just ride him once a week, he is so calm and has never got in trouble before. We couldn’t believe it when he got stuck in the sinkhole…”

Soon after the rescue, Prince returned to his normal self and comfortably settled back into his stable. He left the traumatic experience behind, enjoying the extra tender loving care from his owner.

photo of rescued horse
Credit: Facebook

Helen was immensely thankful to the fire crew for their incredible efforts in rescuing her beloved horse, adding:

“The fire crews were absolutely amazing. I had no idea what to do and the crew came and took control, worked quickly and efficiently, and were so good with Prince. I really can’t thank them enough.”

The incident with Prince is a stark reminder of the hidden dangers around us, some lurking beneath the very ground we daily walk on.

Yet it also highlights the incredible dedication of emergency response teams who work tirelessly to save lives and turn moments of despair into heartwarming stories of hope and reunion.