I think we can all agree that when it comes to silliness and goofiness – Golden Retrievers definitely take the cake!
These goofy pups are so unintentionally funny that they never fail to put a smile on my fine and brighten my day.
So, if you’ve been feeling a bit down lately, I have the perfect remedy for your blues – and it, of course, involves one special Golden Retriever.

Imagine lying on the beach, soaking up every ray of sunshine, only to be distracted by a daring dog riding the waves on his surfboard like an actual pro.
Well, that’s exactly what happened in a video I stumbled upon on Instagram a couple of days ago.
Trust me when I tell you: I couldn’t believe my eyes!
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen dogs surfing the waves plenty of times online, but somehow that never ceases to amaze me – no matter how many times I see it!
The video I saw honestly made my day, so here it is if you need a little pick-me-up, too!
This golden retriever’s impressive surfing skills definitely turned a few heads on the beach.
And how could they not? His balance on the board, his steadiness, and his sheer talent are nothing short of amazing if you ask me!

People in the comments section of this video didn’t hold back in expressing their amazement regarding this good boy’s talent. One person wrote:
One person wrote:
“The way he’s unintentionally better than everyone else.”
Another added:
“Imagine struggling to learn surfing and this dude passes you.”
And someone jokingly commented:
“I love seeing a dog living a better life than me.”

I don’t know about you, but this has to be one of the funniest videos I’ve seen in a while. With 20 million views backing it up, I’m definitely not alone in this opinion, haha!
But what about you? Did you enjoy the video? And have you ever seen a dog ride the waves before? Feel free to share your stories with me!