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Girl Buys A Scrawny Kitten For A Dollar But Turns Out It Costs Way More Than That

Girl Buys A Scrawny Kitten For A Dollar But Turns Out It Costs Way More Than That

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Nowadays, you can either adopt a cat, rescue or purchase a purebred one for a substantial sum. However, adopting or rescuing an animal in need is always a better and more humane choice.

But, what happened to a girl named Anna was simply unbelievable and led to a series of unexpected events. 

She came across a scrawny kitten and bought it for just one dollar, but what she discovered later on left her speechless.

close-up photo of a kitten
Credit: YouTube

It all happened one day when Anna and her friend Elena went to the market to buy new curtains for their friend’s kitchen. 

While there, Anna stumbled upon a beat-up cardboard box. Driven by curiosity, she came closer to see what was inside and was left in awe.

Nestled in a corner of the box was a tiny, trembling orange kitten that looked fragile. Unable to walk away, Anna decided to intervene and help the furry soul. 

However, just as she wanted to take the kitten, an older lady emerged from the corner, explaining that she was trying to sell the kittens. 

Apparently, the orange kitten had siblings who already found homes, leaving him behind all alone.

She also mentioned that if no one purchased him, she’d have to abandon him there. Heartbroken by the kitten’s grim fate, Anna knew she had to do something. 

kitten sitting

Without hesitation, she grabbed her wallet to buy the kitten, but to her disappointment, she was left with only one dollar after the entire day of shopping.

Desperate, she offered the dollar to the woman, explaining the whole situation, and to her surprise, the woman accepted her offer. Anna took the kitten home, overjoyed yet concerned about his frail health.

She instantly provided the kitten with warm milk and wrapped him in a blanket to warm him up. Though his condition soon began to improve, Anna knew a vet check was necessary.

However, little did Anna know that a thorough examination would bring her lots of surprises.

tiny white and orange kitten

At the vet, Anna received a shocking revelation. The kitten was a purebred Maine Coon, a breed known for its large size and gentle nature. Maine Coon cats usually cost a fortune, and Anna got one for just a dollar. How lucky!

However, Anna didn’t care much about the cat’s breed. She was happy to rescue him and to get a feline companion. After naming the kitten Oscar, she promised to give him the best life possible, full of love, care, and attention, just as he deserves.

Indeed, cats are all around us, but if you’re fortunate, like Anna, you might just stumble upon a purebred gem just around the corner.