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Girl Befriends A Chipmunk And Soon Finds Out About His Jealous Side

Girl Befriends A Chipmunk And Soon Finds Out About His Jealous Side

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When Borjana was enjoying her parent’s backyard, little did she know she was about to make a friend for life. 

a girl on a girl's lap eating from a bowl
Credit: YouTube

She was enjoying her morning coffee on the porch when she noticed an adorable tiny chipmunk running around her mom’s flowerbeds. 

She quickly ran into the kitchen and brought out some nuts for him, hoping he would come close. However, it was not that easy. As Borjana explained in her video:

“It took me about a week and a half for me to actually approach him. He was very hesitant at first.”

portrait of a beautiful squirrel
Credit: YouTube

Borjana started using a sweet voice with him, calling him over with some peanuts in her hand. She even gave him a name, Charlie. 

Every morning she would come out and call out his name until one day Charlie was brave enough to come close and help himself with some nuts. 

squirrel eats almonds out of hand
Credit: YouTube

And just like that, the two created a morning routine. After some time Charlie was brave enough to jump up on Borjana’s hand and stuff his mouth full with nuts!

What amazed Borjana was the fact that Charlie started reacting to his name. It was almost like this tiny creature understood she was calling out for him. 

the girl feeds the squirrel
Credit: YouTube

But one day Charlie brought along a friend. Borjana called him Buddy and naturally offered him some nuts as well. She had no idea that Charlie was the jealous type, LOL! 

From the moment she gave Buddy some peanuts, Charlie ran over to the fence and stayed there. Borjana approached him and offered him some nuts, but he refused to take them! As Borjana said:

“He was sitting, looking at me like he was about to cry. That’s so weird to see from a chipmunk.”

squirrel with big eyes
Credit: YouTube

Naturally, Charlie couldn’t be mad at his favorite human for too long. He came the next morning, but without Buddy, LOL!

Over the last few years, Borjana taught Charlie various tricks. He reacts to words like ‘jump’, ‘freeze’, and ‘stay’

the squirrel eats alone
Credit: YouTube

However, Charlie doesn’t always come over only for his daily dose of nuts. He actually enjoys Borjana’s company. As she shared:

“He will sometimes sit next to me, just enjoy the nature, enjoy my company. He will not even take peanuts. It’s moments like those that are so touching to me.”

The two share such a unique and beautiful friendship! If you don’t want to miss out on adorable Charlie, make sure to follow him over on Instagram!