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Giraffe Spotted With A Strange Object Stuck Around Her Neck Sparking A Dramatic Rescue

Giraffe Spotted With A Strange Object Stuck Around Her Neck Sparking A Dramatic Rescue

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Humans continue to pollute our beautiful home, Earth. Sadly, we often forget that it is not just our home but also the home of all our wild animal friends.

Due to such irresponsible behavior, a giraffe found herself recently in a life-threatening situation so get ready to hear all about it. 

giraffe with car tire
Source: YouTube

A group of giraffes, also known as a tower of giraffes, was roaming around when a local man noticed something unusual. 

One of the giraffes had something wrapped around her beautiful long neck that seemed to be bothering her. Knowing he couldn’t approach them, the man called their wildlife rescue organization for help.

tire on giraffe neck
Source: YouTube

Together with two veterinarians, a total of 10 rescuers came ready to help the giraffe. Once the team arrived, they observed the giraffe from a distance hoping to get a better understanding of her situation.

ranger with sedative
Source: YouTube

The rescuers soon realized what was burdening the poor giraffe. Someone tossed a car tire in nature, instead of discarding it the proper way.

The poor giraffe was probably curious about the tire, started investigating it, and found herself in a desperate situation.

people helping a giraffe
Source: YouTube

The rescue team had to give the giraffe a sedative and once the giraffe fell asleep in the tall grass, the team jumped ready to free her from the tire.

With the help of a rope, a total of 4 rescuers lifted her neck while two rescuers removed the car tire. However, once the tire was off they noticed a wound on her neck.

people taking tire of giraffe neck
Source: YouTube

This meant the poor soul was walking around with the car tire for quite some time, causing an open wound that needed emergency treatment. 

The team laid the giraffe gently on the ground, and the vet started cleaning her wound. Unfortunately, the sedative they gave her earlier started wearing off and the giraffe was waking up.

people and giraffe
Source: YouTube

Considering they use their necks to protect themselves and fight off predators, the rescuers had to be careful now. One wrong move could cause fatal injuries…

Luckily, the sedative was still keeping the giraffe from getting up so the rescuers gently placed her on the ground again. The vet managed to clean and treat her wound and the giraffe was now ready to join her family.

rangers and giraffe
Source: YouTube

She slowly got up and found her way back to her herd, while the rescuers made sure she was doing alright. 

Thanks to the amazing wildlife rescuers, this gorgeous giraffe was saved from what could’ve been a fatal outcome.

healed giraffe
Source: YouTube

Make sure to always discard your trash properly, since even the tiniest piece of plastic could harm the wildlife in your area.