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Elephant Rushes To Greet Her Favorite Human Friend Whenever He Calls Her Name

Elephant Rushes To Greet Her Favorite Human Friend Whenever He Calls Her Name

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It has always amazed me how some humans can form special bonds with certain animals. 

Take for example KhamLa, a beautiful female elephant, and Darrick, a part-time mahout at Elephant Nature Park. These two have a very special bond that’s built on mutual love and respect. 

Given KhamLa’s rough start in life and her initially unfriendly interactions with humans, her affection for Darrick is truly remarkable.

KhamLa is a very special elephant who resides at the Elephant Nature Park, a leading elephant rescue and rehabilitation center established by Saengduean Chailert, known as Lek. 

Separated from her mother at an early age, KhamLa underwent phajaan, a process meant to train baby elephants to be submissive to humans for future profit, otherwise known as “breaking the elephant’s spirit.” 

This poor girl also endured a cruel training regimen intended for elephants who perform in shows, resulting in her developing neurotic behavior, also known as zoochosis.

Thankfully, KhamLa’s story has a happy ending. She was rescued from her cruel fate and brought to Elephant Nature Park, where she reunited with her mother, BaiTouay, and made many friends. 

However, her favorite buddy is by far Darrick. She loves him so much that she always runs to him whenever he calls her name.

In an interview, Darrick shared that every time KhamLa sees him, she runs over and calls her friends and family to join her.

And no, she doesn’t do this with anyone else – only with Darrick. He said:

“She knows where I am. I can be hiding and even downwind, and she’ll know I’m there. There’s no reason for it. I didn’t do anything. I never brought her special foods or treats. It’s not a bond that was based on reward, it’s just a bond that is.”

Apart from deeply loving her human friend, KhamLa is also very protective of Darrick. One time, during the rainy season, she saw him in the river, enjoying drifting. 

Afraid for his safety, KhamLa immediately got into the river and came rushing to his rescue. Describing the situation, Darrick said:

“She was very concerned because, at that time, she had already begun treating me as her own child. It was rainy season, and I was just enjoying drifting. (…) KhamLa was way down on the other side of the river. She was there with her family across the way, and I called out her name and she rushed to my protection. I wasn’t trying to make her scared or anything, but that’s how she responded to seeing me in the river floating by.”

KhamLa then got Darrick to the shore and hugged him with her trunk, making sure he was okay the entire time. 

Another time, Darrick was absent for around 14 months due to personal reasons. When he came back and called his favorite girl, he expected KhamLa to ignore him, like she did other times he was absent, showing just how sassy a lady can be. 

But to his surprise, she came rushing towards her friend, whom she had missed like crazy all those months.

“I was not expectant of the great welcome after being more than a year away. And the welcoming was overwhelming.”

Check out their heartwarming reunion below:

When asked about his bond with KhamLa, Darrick said:

“It’s like finding a soulmate, really. I love her with all my heart – and she reciprocates. You can’t really put so many words to it other than value and appreciate it for what it is.”

I hope you enjoyed the story about KhamLa and Darrick’s friendship as much as I did. If you wish to see more of this dynamic duo, I suggest you follow Elephant Nature Park on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram