No matter if on land, in the sky, or in the water, every setting has its fastest creatures.
The speed in the animal world determines not only if you will have lunch, but also if you will become lunch.
Luckily, we humans don’t have to rely on our speed in that manner, otherwise I wouldn’t be among the fastest ones.
Let’s see which creatures are on the list.
1. Springbok
If it wasn’t for their speed, these creatures would easily become prey. But since they can reach a speed up to 55 miles per hour, combined with their wide field of vision, these bad boys aren’t such easy targets as they seem.
Even though they have a small body, they have strong and muscular legs which help them move quickly and efficiently.
Besides being so fast, they can jump even up to two meters high! Impressive, I must admit.
2. Pronghorn Antelope
Watch it go as it can reach the speed up to 60,9 miles per hour. No wonder they carry the title of the fastest hoofed animal. Although slower than the cheetah, it can maintain high speed for much longer.
Another cool fact about them is that they can signal each other by making their hair expose an odor. This sends a message to others about a present danger.
3. Cheetah
Even though cuddly looking with the soft fur and big eyes, don’t let that fool you, this kitty isn’t that innocent.
The cheetah, famously known for being fast, uses its long legs and thin body to reach speeds of more than 75mph in just over three seconds. Wow, can you imagine that?
These skilled predators won’t make their lunch escape that easily!
4. Black Marlin
Let’s dive into the water and see who wins the race down there. The answer is Black Marlin, reaching the speed up to 82mph.
Some of these can even reach a weight of more than 1,500 pounds and be 15 feet long. Its size and strength really make it a real catch.
But I wonder, how do they even measure the speed of a fish?
5. Sailfish
Not only are these among the fastest fish, these are also some serious predators. Using their long and sharp bills, they injure and slash their prey. Sounds like a horror movie scene!
This speedy can reach around 68,4mph, but its size is also admirable. Some of the largest reach 220 pounds and are 11 feet long.
6. Peregrine Falcon
Not only is it the fastest bird, it is actually the fastest animal in the world. Who would have thought that a bird holds this title? Not me!
Characterized by its long and pointed wings, this bird is a real beast. It reaches the speed of 320 km/h (200 mph) while hunting. This speed is reached by performing their characteristic dive to catch other birds, called the high-speed dive.
What makes this bird so fast are their hollow bones, curved wings, and strong muscles.
Just imagine it flying by you, phew!
7. Grey-headed Albatross
The grey-headed albatross is an expert in long-distance flight, capable of gliding at speeds of up to 79 mph (127 km/h). With its large wingspan, it can travel vast distances with minimal effort.
8. Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat
Not to be outdone, the Brazilian free-tailed bat holds the record for the fastest flying mammal. Capable of reaching speeds of 99 mph (160 km/h), it outpaces even some birds and insects in flight.