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Utah Labrador Endures 30 Bites In Fierce Battle With Mountain Lion To Save Her Family’s Lives

Utah Labrador Endures 30 Bites In Fierce Battle With Mountain Lion To Save Her Family’s Lives

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The Michaelis family from Cedar Hills, Utah, was enjoying a relaxing day in their backyard, completely unaware that danger was lurking nearby.

Their loyal seven-year-old yellow Labrador, Ella, was behaving strangely. Her ears were perked up, and she was growling softly, her body tense as she backed away slowly. It was clear that something had caught her attention.

When Crystal Michaelis, the children’s mother, noticed Ella’s unusual behavior, she felt concerned. Although she couldn’t see what Ella was reacting to, Crystal sensed that something was terribly wrong.

beautiful yard
Credit: YouTube

The dog’s eyes were fixed on the thick bushes, darting back and forth, and she seemed to be on high alert. Crystal glanced at her daughter, who looked worried, as she shared in a YouTube video:

“She kept looking at the kids and then quickly looking back and she just kind of was very cautious and my daughter thought it was very concerning.”

Just then, Crystal felt a sudden wave of fear. Instinctively, she called her children closer, urging them towards the house.

the family gathered around the labrador
Credit: YouTube

Ella continued to hold her ground, her growls turning into fierce barks as if warning whatever was hiding to stay away. And that’s when it happened – a shadowy figure moved swiftly from the brush. A mountain lion!

Ella didn’t hesitate. With a courageous leap, this brave dog threw herself between the lion and the family, fighting off the predator with every ounce of strength she had.

As Michaelis rushed her children inside, she could hear the sounds of a desperate struggle behind her. Her heart pounded in her chest, she knew Ella was buying them time, risking her life to keep them safe.

portrait of a labrador with bites
Credit: YouTube

Finally, when she opened the rear door, she encountered the horrific scene. Ella was covered in blood, her fur matted and torn from the battle.

Recounting these horrific events, Crystal shared:

“(I)found Ella just bloodied. There’s blood all over the door and all over the patio.”

Crystal couldn’t believe her eyes. Tears welled up as she gently stroked Ella’s head, whispering words of comfort and gratitude.

She’d been bitten over 30 times, her wounds stretching from her shoulders to her face and neck.

the dog lies on the grass after the bite
Credit: YouTube

Wildlife officers from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources later found mountain lion tracks leading away from the Michaelis house. They confirmed that the big cat had been disturbed by nearby goats before wandering too close to their home.

Thankfully, the family hadn’t witnessed the full extent of the battle, but they knew that without Ella’s bravery, the outcome could have been much worse.

They were so grateful for their loyal companion who’d faced a deadly predator without a second thought. Ella was more than just a dog – she was a hero, a guardian who would do anything to keep her loved ones safe, as Crystal shared:

“She never let down and stayed in that protective stance and defended.”

sad dog sleeps on the grass
Credit: YouTube

The Michaelis knew they were incredibly lucky to have Ella in their lives. Her scars would heal, but her bravery would forever be etched in their hearts.

I am just amazed by how deeply dogs love their families, and how their loyalty remains unwavering in the face of danger, often without thinking about their own safety.

Here’s to Ella, the Labrador with a heart of gold who saved her family’s lives against all odds. A true hero in every sense of the word!