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Family Adopts A Baby Panther Living Her Last Moments After Being Abandoned By Her Mom

Family Adopts A Baby Panther Living Her Last Moments After Being Abandoned By Her Mom

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Victoria and her husband nursed wild animals back to health for as long as they can remember. So when a local zoo desperately needed help, Victoria was ready for the challenge.

The zoo previously saved an injured and pregnant black leopard from a traveling circus. However, once she gave birth she rejected her newborn cub and the zoo staff was desperate.

baby panther
Credit: Instagram

They informed Victoria about the situation and without a second thought, she went to pick the baby panther up.

Naming her Luna, her foster mom spent the next few weeks bottle-feeding her and ensuring she gained weight. 

woman holding a panther
Credit: Instagram

Once Luna was around 2 months old, Victoria learned that the zoo was planning to sell her. 

She couldn’t bear the thought of her Luna going off to some stranger or even worse a circus, so Victoria made a surprising decision to adopt Luna.

photo of woman and a panther
Credit: Instagram

Her husband was supporting her throughout the entire process of adopting Luna. The family was ready to provide her with a loving home.

Having a black leopard as a pet is not a common thing, so when Victoria posted Luna’s story online, they gained thousands of followers.

panther and woman sitting by the river
Credit: Instagram

Many were concerned about the family’s safety, considering Luna was a wild animal. However, Victoria assured everyone that with proper care and training, Luna was perfectly capable of living in harmony with them. 

panther and a dog
Credit: Instagram

The family has a rottweiler named Venza, and adorably over time, Luna picked up some dog traits. She loved going for walks and playing fetch with Victoria.

Luna and Venza became best friends and the two were inseparable. Now imagine you go out for a walk and you encounter a dog and his friend – a black leopard! Well, that’s a once-in-a-lifetime encounter for sure!

panther and a dog lying in grass
Credit: Instagram

Although Luna weighs almost 120 pounds, she still cuddles up next to Victoria just as she did when she was a cub. If you ask me, that’s one big cat!

Thanks to Victoria and her husband, Luna was living in a safe home away from traveling circuses! 

woman and panther
Credit: Instagram

If you are interested in Luna’s adventures make sure to follow her over on Instagram!