Animals play a crucial role in the beauty and balance of our world. It’s a privilege to enjoy and observe so many species.
But, it often seems like we don’t cherish them enough. Due to human activity and greed, many animals are at the risk of going extinct.
The changes humans are causing, like global warming and deforestation, affect their homes and make surviving a challenge.
Now, let’s learn which of these creatures are in the biggest danger of vanishing from our planet to truly understand the challenges they are facing.
1. Tiger
The largest Asian cat weighing up to 660 pounds, known for its strength and beauty. Can you imagine it gone?
With around 5,574 of them existing today in the wild, tigers are on the list of most endangered animal species.
The decline in their numbers has slowed down, but tigers still remain vulnerable. This is caused by deforestation and illegal wildlife hunting.
Additionally, females typically give birth to only two or four cubs every two years, making their reproduction process slow.
2. Sloth
Who hasn’t heard of this lazy guy? Sloths are often the center of attention for their slow movements.
But we might not be able to admire them for too long, since two out of six sloth species are on the verge of becoming extinct.
Due to being exposed to urbanization, these slowsters are exposed to the attacks of other animals. Since they often use powerlines to move around, they often even get electrocuted.
3. Panda
I can’t even imagine a world where this cutie doesn’t exist.
Their playfulness and unique looks made them one of the most beloved animals around the world.
With 1,800 of them remaining in the wild, pandas aren’t classified as endangered but still face a risk to their survival.
Animal lovers are doing everything in their power to save these snuggle bears – from reforestation and breeding programs to raising awareness about this situation.
4. Black Rhino
Another animal at the edge of existence due to poaching and habitat loss is the black rhino.
Rhinos remain endangered with fewer than 5,000 of them left in the wild.
Luckily, thanks to the efforts of dedicated people and organizations, the decline of rhinos has slowed down.
5. Pangolins
Pangolis are fascinating creatures, recognisable for their unique protective scales.
Since these animals are endangered, we might not be able to admire them for a long time.
Varying in 8 different species, all of them on the list of either being endangered or vulnerable.
Illegal wildlife hunting, deforestation, urbanization, and many other different factors play a role in their slow disappearance.
6. Polar Bear
These guys are having it rough. Just imagine everything around you falling apart but there’s nothing you can do about it.
As climate changes are happening and ice is melting, polar bears are having a harder time finding food and shelter.
Their whole life relies on ice. It’s an irreplaceable part of their life and they need it to survive.
7. Red Wolf
Welcome the most endangered animal in the U.S. but also one of the world’s most endangered wild canines.
And now, prepare to be shocked! Did you know that there are fewer than 20 red wolves left in the wilderness? They are mostly located in North Carolina, where reintroduction programmes are helping restore their population.
These beauties were massively hunted during the 19th and 20th century which led to them almost being extinct.
At one point their number increased, but again started decreasing later.
8. Snow Leopard
Look at this beauty! Their mysterious eyes and beautiful coat makes these animals so unique-looking.
These snow kings are mostly found in mountain regions in cold, harsh environments.
What has led to their vulnerability is poaching and loss of prey due to human activity.
Many efforts have been made to protect these creatures, as only around 4000 individuals are left in the wild.
9. Ring-Tailed Lemur
Did you know that its tail is larger than its body? These cuties became widely popular due to King Julian’s appearance in Madagascar.
Lemurs breed well in captivity, and there are many of them in zoos.
Unfortunately, they are a huge part of hunting and illegal pet trade, which makes them endangered in the wild.
Many organizations are raising awareness about their vulnerability and importance in the local ecosystem, as they act like seed disperses.
10. Hammerhead Shark
The most recognisable of all shark species, the hammerhead shark! It gets its name from its weirdly shaped head which almost looks like a hammer.
With often getting caught in fisheries, these creatures are considered to be dropping in number.
Although hunting hammerhead sharks is banned, many are still caught for commercial fishing, especially for the shark fin trade.