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Emaciated Pup Was Hiding Under A Bridge, Looking More Like A Skeleton Than A Dog

Emaciated Pup Was Hiding Under A Bridge, Looking More Like A Skeleton Than A Dog

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Vito is an adorable one-year-old pup with a truly heartbreaking story. A couple of months ago, a compassionate young woman found him hiding under a bridge from the world that had shown him only cruelty.

She immediately took Vito to the nearest shelter to get some help, aware that she couldn’t help him on her own.

Vito was extremely skinny, looking more like a skeleton than a dog. He had bruises and wounds all over his body and his eyes were filled with fear and sadness. 

The rescuers’ hearts sank at the sight of him, and they were left wondering how anyone could be so cruel to such an innocent soul. 

They welcomed Vito with open arms, determined to change his life for the better. 

a skinny puppy stands and looks around
Credit:  YouTube

First, they offered Vito some food, but unfortunately, he vomited everything he ingested. 

Fearing for his life, the rescuers rushed him to the nearest animal emergency clinic to run some tests and assist the struggling pup. 

The tests revealed that Vito was suffering from a severe bacterial infection and had a heart murmur. 

Furthermore, he tested positive for dirofilariasis, otherwise known as heartworm disease, a potentially fatal condition caused by the blood parasite Dirofilaria immitis. 

the puppy looks out of the cage
Credit:  YouTube

Vito was kept in the intensive care unit where doctors began his treatment, aiming first to improve his gastrointestinal function so he could properly digest his food and gain much-needed weight. 

During the first few days, Vito proved himself to be a true fighter. He went on daily walks, wearing socks on his paws and sweaters to stay warm. 

His appetite improved, and he was fed less than a pound of food several times a day to ensure he could digest it all without vomiting. 

Vito’s progress was slow but steady; his persistent spirit provided hope that he would soon feel much better.

skinny puppy on a leash walking dressed
Credit:  YouTube

After spending a few days in the intensive care unit, Vito’s condition improved significantly, and he was discharged to continue his recovery in the safety of a foster home. 

His new temporary family was eager to meet him and help him feel like a happy and healthy doggo.

During his stay with his foster family, Vito’s energy levels spiked! He gained a significant amount of weight and strength, starting to run and play with other foster animals in the home. 

Although he still faced the challenge of dirofilariasis, everyone was confident he would overcome that battle as well. There seemed to be nothing this good boy couldn’t accomplish!

the girl is holding a skinny dog ​​in her arms
Credit:  YouTube

After living with his foster family for a couple of weeks, Vito was due for a health check at the clinic. 

The vet was extremely satisfied with Vito’s progress; however, during the examination, they discovered that Vito was partially blind due to optic nerve issues in one eye. 

Because of that, his foster parents were advised to make an appointment for Vito with an ophthalmologist and neurologist. 

Fortunately, this little setback couldn’t stop Vito. He remained playful and ready to conquer the world with his loving personality.

a girl takes a picture with a shaggy white dog
Credit:  YouTube

In the days that followed, Vito was treated for heartworms and continued to gain weight. 

His fur fully grew back, transforming him from a walking skeleton to an adorable, fluffy dog. 

Once his health was fully restored, it was time to find him his forever home, which the rescuers managed to do in a short amount of time. 

And just like that, little Vito was finally healthy and ready to start a new chapter in his life.

the dog sits next to the owner on a leash
Credit:  YouTube

It’s safe to say that Vito is now completely unrecognizable compared to the sad and sickly dog he was at the start of his journey. 

His transformation is a true miracle, and I hope other dogs get to experience this too.