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Eleven Precious Lives Found Inside Sealed Boxes In Dark Alley Hours Before Tragedy

Eleven Precious Lives Found Inside Sealed Boxes In Dark Alley Hours Before Tragedy

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Countless animals find themselves trapped, stuck, or abandoned in perilous situations, often with no way to escape. Tragically, sometimes it’s humans who are responsible for this.

Here’s one such story, where eleven cats were cruelly left to fight for their lives in an unbelievable ordeal.

One night, a woman strolled through an alley and heard a soft meow. She looked around but saw nothing except a few cardboard boxes scattered on the ground.

boxes next to the trash
Credit: Facebook

Each box was sealed shut, which only heightened her curiosity. Once she drew closer, she discovered a horrifying truth: inside the boxes were cats, cruelly confined by layers of tape!

Terrified, the woman quickly called a local animal rescue team, and the Celia Hammond Animal Trust (CHAT) swiftly arrived.

She led them to the boxes stacked against the alley wall where the desperate cats were meowing for help.

closed boxes on the street
Credit: Facebook

Time was critical – cats had little air, and the rescuers needed to free them quickly. However, there was a concern: how would they react upon being released?

The last thing the CHAT team wanted was for these poor kitties to dash into the road and get hurt after all they’d been through.

So, they carefully poked small air holes in the boxes, just enough to give them some much-needed oxygen.

torn boxes
Credit: Facebook

Upon bringing the boxes to the shelter, the rescuers faced another challenge – how to open them without hurting the cats?

Instead of using scissors, which could have been too risky, they chose a butter knife to ensure a gentle release.

One by one, the boxes were opened, revealing a total of eleven cats, ten ginger cuties, and a black and white tuxedo cat.

cats peeking out of the box
Credit: Facebook

Their wide, fearful eyes spoke volumes of their distressing plight, but thankfully, they were all alive.

The CHAT team immediately set to work. They whispered soothing words and tenderly provided the care these frightened cats desperately needed.

a woman petting cats in a box
Credit: Facebook

As the examination began, the extent of their suffering became painfully clear. Each cat was infested with fleas, and their bodies were alarmingly frail, as the CHAT explained in a Facebook post:

“All the cats are extremely underweight and covered in fleas. Our vets treated them for fleas immediately on arrival in the clinic, but we will have to build them up before they are fit enough to be neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped.”

cats enjoy the bed
Credit: Facebook

Noticing how much they looked alike, the team guessed that the ginger cats were likely related. And as for the little tuxedo cat, well, perhaps it had just joined a new family.

Despite their ordeal, the cats were surprisingly friendly and seemed to trust humans. This made it all the more heartbreaking to think that they were perhaps once cherished pets who’d been abandoned so cruelly, as the rescue shared:

“One really strange thing is that these cats are really friendly and have clearly once been loved, handled, and cuddled – what on earth would drive an apparently loving owner to do something so terrible?”

a beautiful cat is lying and looking at the camera
Credit: Facebook

As the kitties gradually recovered, the CHAT team began sharing updates on their progress with the world online. Thanks to the support of kind-hearted individuals, they received all the necessary care and were soon ready for a new beginning.

The shelter made sure they were adopted in groups. These poor souls had been through so much together and the staff didn’t want to separate them.

yellow cats lie down
Credit: Facebook

Thankfully, they all found their forever homes, leaving the shelter for lives filled with love and care.

Yet, countless other animals remain trapped in dire circumstances, still waiting for their chance at freedom.

I hope more people will step up, just like that woman did when she heard those meows in the alley because every animal deserves to be loved and cared for.