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Watch What This Smart Elephant Does When A Toddler’s Shoe Falls Into His Enclosure At The Zoo

Watch What This Smart Elephant Does When A Toddler’s Shoe Falls Into His Enclosure At The Zoo

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Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated with elephants. I would pore over encyclopedias, watch the National Geographic Channel, and constantly beg my parents for elephant-themed coloring books.

These majestic creatures have captivated my imagination for years, and even though I’ve outgrown the dream of having an elephant as a pet, my fascination remains strong.

That’s why I can’t resist watching any elephant video that pops up online. I recently came across one that reminded me just why I love these animals so much – as if I ever needed reminding!

elephant in a zoo
Source: YouTube

The video in question is around 30 seconds long and was taken by a zoo visitor who, along with everyone else there, was completely stunned by what unfolded right in front of their eyes.

Believe it or not, a toddler accidentally dropped his shoe into the elephant’s enclosure. This caught the attention of a gorgeous, gentle giant named Shanmai. 

As the parents resigned themselves to the loss of their child’s Crocs sandal, Shanmai slowly approached the shoe and did something totally unexpected. 

Check out the video to see for yourself:

With his mighty trunk, Shanmai gently picked up the tiny shoe and returned it to the baby and his parents. 

Can you believe that? It’s just amazing how intelligent elephants are!

elephant returning shoe
Source: YouTube

According to the zookeepers, Shanmai might have initially thought the visitors had dropped him some food. 

But once he realized it was someone’s shoe, he knew he had to return the blue and yellow Crocs to its rightful owner. 

No one wants to deal with toddler tantrums – not even elephants, haha

All jokes aside, after Shanmai returned the shoe, the visitors offered him some leafy greens as a sign of gratitude. 

However, the real reward came afterward: A big and juicy watermelon – just for him!

big elephant in a zoo
Source: YouTube

I don’t know about you, but this video made me look up zoo tickets online so I could go with my friends. 

Who knows? I might witness a similar event involving our majestic pachyderms. If I do, I’ll definitely let you know. 

Until then, do you have an elephant encounter of your own that you’d like to share? Feel free to tell me all about it in the comments below.