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Each year, Mama Duck Takes Her Ducklings On A Special Visit To New York Nursing Home

Each year, Mama Duck Takes Her Ducklings On A Special Visit To New York Nursing Home

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Every year in Upstate New York, a heartwarming tradition takes place that brings joy to many people. 

A mother duck and her cute little ducklings visit the M.M. Ewing Routine Care Center

However, it’s not just an ordinary trip; it’s a special occasion that brightens the nursing home. As they shared on their Facebook:

“Every year, without fail, a mama duck chooses one of the enclosed courtyards at our M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center to lay her eggs and take care of her babies.”

duck and ducklings in a nursing home
Credit: Facebook

In the spring, when the ducklings hatch, the mother duck leads her tiny ones through the halls of the center. 

And believe me, it’s truly an amazing sight: a line of fluffy yellow ducklings waddling behind their loving mom, with their tiny quacks echoing in the air. 

Each time this happens, the residents gather with big smiles to enjoy this lovely moment. The ducklings, blissfully unaware of the joy they bring, happily follow their mother. 

The staff, always prepared for their feathered visitors, even put up signs to guide the duck family. They mentioned:

“Facility Services associates – one of whom said ‘She has us trained’ – have old signage to gently guide her and her babies in case they look like they’re about to get sidetracked.”

woman opening the door for duck and ducklings
Credit: Facebook

Right now, it feels like the whole place has become a temporary home for ducks. This annual visit has turned into more than just a fun event; it offers comfort, reminds everyone of life’s simple joys, and connects them to nature. As they shared:

“So the residents who witnessed it were the ones who happen to live on that unit. We didn’t make a big event of it and invite residents from other units. Those who were there stood quietly off to the side with big smiles on their faces. One woman told us later it totally made her mom’s day!”

duck and ducklings on grass
Credit: Facebook

The mother duck seems to understand how much her visits mean, bringing a sense of peace and happiness to the center. 

The ducklings, on the other hand, looked a bit confused about what was happening, but they definitely felt happy to be welcomed!

I think it’s really beautiful either way. I also love how the staff makes sure the ducks leave safely without causing them any stress. 

photo of duck and ducklings
Credit: Facebook

In the end, after the ducks waddle through the hallways, they head out the back door and into the big park area behind the building. All we can do now is hope to see them again and that they come back next year!