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Fearless Dog Risks All To Save A Wild Baby Animal From Drowning

Fearless Dog Risks All To Save A Wild Baby Animal From Drowning

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We all know how important our canine companions are in our day-to-day lives. Dogs aren’t just adorable pets, they play a huge role in our world.

From emotional support dogs to those hard-working farm breeds, dogs have proven to us just how brave and smart they are. 

The other day I stumbled upon a video, that proved to me yet again just how fearless and smart our little canine friends are. 

animal drowning
Source: YouTube

A man brought his black labrador on a fishing trip, an activity they’ve been doing together ever since he was a puppy.

However, once the man started packing his equipment up for the day he noticed something unusual in the river. 

dog helping a lamb
Source: YouTube

Once he came close, the man was shocked by the sight. A tiny baby deer was fighting for his life, unable to get out from the fast river. 

The man tried to figure out a quick way to save the poor baby deer, but before he even came up with an idea, his dog decided to become the hero. 

Labradors are known to be swift swimmers, and this courageous black labrador proved it once more. 

black dog and lamb
Source: YouTube

The sweet boy jumped into the river, swimming against the fast stream. He came close to the baby deer and gently grabbed him with his mouth. 

His proud owner captured the amazing rescue on video, portraying how brave and compassionate his furry friend is! Take a look for yourself!

Isn’t he a good boy? Once they were on dry land, the dog passed the baby deer to his owner. The man instantly rushed to his car, ready to bring the baby to a wildlife sanctuary.

man holding a lamb
Source: YouTube

I hope after his long day of being a hero, this sweet labrador got all the treats in this world. Because, truth be told he deserves it!