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Dog Rescued After Being Thrown Out Of A Moving Car Now Lives Happily With Her Cat Sister

Dog Rescued After Being Thrown Out Of A Moving Car Now Lives Happily With Her Cat Sister

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Imagine witnessing something as cruel as this – a dog being thrown out on the street from a moving car. 

This is what residents of a small town in South Carolina witnessed and they immediately informed their local rescue organization. 

sad black dog
Source: YouTube

Jackie and her husband from Long Island, NY, heard about this and made it their mission to bring this dog home.

Naming her Koda, they officially adopted the Pitbull mix and brought her to Long Island. The couple already had an adorable cat by the name Mia and they never imagined what was about to happen.

cat and dog
Source: YouTube

Once Koda stepped into her new home, she only had eyes for her cat sister. She immediately fell in love with Mia and followed her around the house like a shadow. 

Sadly, during the accident early on in her life, Koda experienced a fractured hind leg and a growth plate fracture. 

dog and cat playing
Source: YouTube

Although her leg fractured seemed to be perfectly healed, Jackie still worried. She visited numerous orthopedic veterinarians, but they all advised her to just monitor her growth.

cat and dog friends
Source: YouTube

In the first few months, Koda seemed like a perfectly happy and healthy dog. She played with her sister Mia and even picked up on some cat-like traits!

She would gently paw at Mia just like cats do, to get her attention. However, soon after, Jackie noticed Koda was in pain. 

injured dog walking
Source: YouTube

She rushed her to the vet only to discover that Koda suffered from hip dysplasia and needed urgent surgery. As Jackie mentioned in a video:

“We knew even when she was recovering, she was still gonna try and chase Mia all around. So we actually had Mia stay in my parent’s house for a month.”

owner, dog and cat
Source: YouTube

Considering Koda went through a pretty big hip surgery, she needed a tranquil environment to recover. Although Mia was laid back, Koda couldn’t resist chasing her around a picking some friendly fights!

So after a full month of recovery, Koda was ready to welcome her sister back home. That was probably the happiest she’d ever been, jumping all over the place while Jackie’s husband took Mia out of her carrier. 

woman and cute dog
Source: YouTube

The two sisters were reunited and Jackie believes Koda loves Mia more than anything. As she said:

“I think Koda prefers Mia more than Mike and I, she loves Mike and I, but she’s absolutely obsessed with Mia.”

Luckily, since her last surgery, Koda is now a perfectly healthy dog. She had more than a rough start in life, but thanks to Jackie, Mike, and Mia she’s now the happiest dog on Earth. 

Make sure to follow Koda and Mia over on Instagram, where Jackie posts regular updates on these two adorable sisters!