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Compassionate Dog Pretends To Limp Like His Owner, Leaving Everyone In Stitches

Compassionate Dog Pretends To Limp Like His Owner, Leaving Everyone In Stitches

Sharing is caring!

For as long as I can remember dogs have always been our best friends. With their sweet and compassionate nature, they’ve been by our side throughout history.

For a heartwarming and hilarious reason, such a compassionate dog left millions of people online in stitches. So let’s rewind the story!

man and his dog limping on the street
Credit: YouTube

Russel Jones, a proud owner of a lurcher dog named Bill, recently injured his right leg. Sadly, Russel was left with some broken bones, so the doctors had to put a cast on his leg.

He was able to walk with the help of crutches, but that’s when something unusual happened.

a man with cash on leg walking with his dog
Credit: YouTube

Despite his injury, Russel insisted on bringing Bill on his morning walk. Although he was limping, his dog Bill was patient and took it slow next to his owner. 

However, this is when Russel noticed that Bill was limping as well! The poor dog would bring up his left paw and just bounce around during their entire walk. 

dog limping as his owner
Credit: YouTube

Worried that his dog injured his paw somehow, Russel rushed him to the emergency vet. What he found out at the appointment was revealed in an interview:

“Cost me 300$ in vet fees and X-rays, nothing wrong, just sympathy. Love him.”

injured man walking with his dog
Credit: YouTube

It turned out, Bill was such a compassionate companion that he started limping around just like his owner! 

Russel was more than happy that Bill was perfectly fine and healthy, but the sweet boy continued limping until Russel removed the cast, LOL!

This adorable and hilarious video just proves to us once again that dogs are truly our best friends. Make sure to watch the video down below for some adorable laughs!