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Dog Covered in Porcupine Quills Can’t Stop Wagging His Tail When He Hears His Rescuers Coming

Dog Covered in Porcupine Quills Can’t Stop Wagging His Tail When He Hears His Rescuers Coming

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I think we’re all familiar with the friendly nature of our canine companions. These lovable animals often act as if it’s their mission to befriend every creature on the planet, sometimes forgetting that not all animals are meant to be their friends. 

Take porcupines, for example. Many good boys, eager to spread the love, approach these spiky fellas – and end up looking like they’ve been to the worst acupuncture session ever!

Unfortunately, they learn the hard way that not all friendships come without a little sting. 

Such was the case with a good boy named Brutus who recently had a painful encounter with a feisty porcupine.

dog covered in porcupine quills
Source: pawsupprogram

Brutus, a one-and-a-half-year-old dog, encountered a serious problem a few days ago – a face full of porcupine quills. 

While playfully exploring the great outdoors, he likely stumbled upon a porcupine, an animal he had likely never met before. 

Unfortunately, he quickly learned that not every creature appreciates a wagging tail and a friendly sniff, as he ended up with his face covered in quills.

injured dog
Source: pawsupprogram

According to Dr. Courtney Barnes, porcupine quills are modified hairs that can puncture the skin, move through muscle, and potentially penetrate body cavities and internal organs. 

Contrary to popular belief, these quills don’t work their way out over time; instead, they tend to move inward, increasing the risk of deep infections. 

Severe complications can arise if quills embed in joints, pierce the eyes, or penetrate vital organs like the brain, posing significant health risks.

sweet black dog
Source: pawsupprogram

Luckily for Brutus, a kind soul found him and informed Paws Up Program – PUP, a fantastic group dedicated to developing sustainable, culturally sensitive strategies that support animal care, health, and well-being.

When PUP volunteers arrived, Brutus couldn’t contain his excitement! Despite being unable to see, he sensed his saviors approaching; he was ready to finally be free of every single quill.

Just look at him wagging his tail! This precious pup is so adorable, right?

In the comment section of this TikTok video, many people were deeply moved by Brutus’ situation, sending him well wishes and hoping for a speedy recovery. 

Others took a lighter approach, with one person joking:

“The Dogupine is a rare dog breed not often seen.”

And another quipping:

“At first, I thought he was the porcupine.”

black dog laying down
Source: pawsupprogram

However, most people were curious about Brutus’ update; they wanted to know if the PUP volunteers had successfully removed all the quills and how poor Brutus was doing. 

Thankfully, he was doing okay. On their official TikTok profile, PUP shared that Brutus was in good spirits and, even better, that he was available for adoption. They wrote:

“Adopt Brutus! Male, great with dogs, kids, and people. Loves to cuddle.”

I truly believe that this doggo learned a valuable lesson from his ordeal: While it’s natural to be curious, sometimes it’s wiser to keep a safe distance!

Hopefully, sweet Brutus finds his forever home soon – ideally far away from any spiky porcupines!