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Diver Risks His Life To Save A Venomous Pufferfish From A Fatal Outcome

Diver Risks His Life To Save A Venomous Pufferfish From A Fatal Outcome

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Shane and Brittany from Hawaii are experienced divers who love to explore Hawaii’s oceans.

The duo spends the majority of their time in the ocean, collecting plastic waste or just admiring the ocean’s wildlife. 

pufferfish in water
Credit: YouTube

Recently, Shane found himself in a bizarre situation when a pufferfish decided to ask him for help. 

Shane and Brittany were diving and exploring the ocean’s coral reef, when all of a sudden a pufferfish grabbed their attention.

venomous pufferfish
Credit: YouTube

The poor thing was swimming in circles, unable to swim up. Confused by the unusual behavior, Shane swam closer to the pufferfish hoping to understand what was going on. As Shane explained in his video:

“Then finally I realized, he was hooked on a fishing line and fishing weights were holding him down trapped on the reef. Who knows how long he’s been down here?”

diver helping the pufferfish
Credit: YouTube

The poor fish had a fishing hook in his mouth and he needed help as soon as possible. However, there was one problem.

Pufferfish are highly venomous creatures, and once they feel threatened they puff up and release venom. Even their teeth can cause severe injuries. 

However, Shane couldn’t let this poor creature suffer. He came close to the pufferfish and started his rescue mission. 

diver helping the venomous pufferfish
Credit: YouTube

He tried releasing the hook from its mouth, but every time he tried to grab its face, the pufferfish opened its mouth, ready to attack. As Shane mentioned:

“I’m afraid to grab him. I’ll have to hold his face. I don’t know if he’ll like that.”

diver and pufferfish in water
Credit: YouTube

Every time Shane tried grabbing his face, it resulted in the pufferfish opening its mouth. So Shane had to figure out a different way to help him. 

Since he was unable to release the hook from its mouth, he decided to at least untangle the fish weights so the poor thing would be able to swim away. 

To make things worse, the water was murky and the waves were making it hard for Shane to work. As he said:

“It felt like an eternity getting bashed around by the waves.”

pufferfish swimming next to diver
Credit: YouTube

Shane managed to untie the fishing line from the ground and the pufferfish was finally free! Although he still had a fishing line attached to his mouth, at least the fish could swim away.

After Shane and Brittany got out of the water, they were so happy they managed to save an innocent life that day. As Shane beautifully put it:

“It was so cool that we were able to save him, ‘cause he was – I don’t even know what would have happened. We just ended up here, right place, right time.”

Shane risked his life to save a highly venomous fish, but it was worth it!

Would you dare touch a pufferfish? Let us know!