How can something be so small yet so dangerous?
Insects are among the most fatal creatures in the world. The trickiest part is that many can get close without being noticed.
While many are poisonous, some even transmit diseases so dangerous that they have changed the course of history. That’s why I’m not particularly a fan of the harmless insects, let alone these ones that can harm me.
Eager to find out more? Just wait until you get to the end of the list, you’ll be surprised.
1. Fleas
Their most obvious and dangerous trait is their ability to pass on diseases.
Fleas aren’t picky. They can be found on mammals, reptiles, and humans.
Their transmission of illnesses happens quite simply. All they have to do is bite while being infected.
No other insects in history have done as much damage as fleas. Their transmission of the bubonic plague and typhus left an eternal mark on humanity.
2. Driver Ants
Also called Dorylus, the world’s most aggressive group of ants.
Their danger lies in the powerful bite. They latch onto the skin, and due to the body’s immune system overreacting to their saliva, individuals experience allergic reactions. This includes swelling, redness, itching and pain.
If severely allergic, some people experience life-threatening reactions, including difficulty breathing and low blood pressure.
But, here’s where it gets interesting. When Drive ants go on a raid, they form groups so big that the number reaches even 50 million individuals. Wow! Can you even imagine that?
But I wonder, who had the time to count them all?
3. Asian Giant Hornet
Also called the Murder hornet. Nothing to worry about, right?
I really wouldn’t want to cross its path. Luckily, they mostly live in forests or mountains.
This insect is considered to be the world’s largest hornet species. When bitten, humans experience a sharp burning sensation and can have severe allergic reactions.
But it seems like there’s no reason to worry, as these mainly attack bees. They eliminate the bees, enter their hives and consume the larvae.
4. Blister Beetles
This little guy seems harmless, but contains a harmful toxic chemical, used as a defense system from predators.
If human skin gets in contact with a beetle, it results in painful blisters. Some people have experienced nausea and even kidney damage. Ouch!
Even though these aren’t considered to be life-threatening, there were reports of human poisonings.
And here’s the kicker: even deceased beetles can cause harm if touched because their toxins might be present. Be careful what you touch!
5. Kissing Bugs
You don’t want to get a kiss from this creature, trust me.
Their name comes from the fact that people thought they just bite around the mouth. But that’s not true, they bite everywhere!
These insects feed on blood, but they aren’t that picky – from humans to dogs and wild animals. The tricky part is that their bites don’t hurt, that way they go unnoticed while enjoying their lunch.
Here’s where it gets tricky, Kissing Bugs can often carry parasites which cause Chagas disease. This leads to fever, rashes, and body aches.
Quite a kiss!
6. Fire Ants
Tiny but mighty, these creatures aren’t a joke.
Don’t get close, because Fire Ants are very protective of their territory and won’t let intruders approach.
You don’t want to be bitten by one of those. They grasp the skin and inject a painful venom. This leads to pain, swelling, burning sensation, and even blisters.
Those who are severely allergic experience difficulty breathing and dizziness.
7. Mosquito
Did you know that mosquitos are responsible for more human fatalities during a year than any other animal?
This gives them the title of the world’ s most dangerous insect species.
Mosquitos carry parasites and bacteria which are passed on through their bite. This leads to the spread of a variety of diseases, with malaria being the most fatal one.
And since there are probably around trillions of mosquitos, this process happens quite fast.
We agree on one thing for sure – these are also the world’s most annoying insects.