They say cities are safe territory. With all those towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, it’s no wonder we tend to think that there are no animals to be scared of around here!
But did you know that some of the most adaptable animals have managed to thrive in the shadows of our cities? These animals have managed to turn urban jungles into their home! And unfortunately, they’re not really safe species to interact with!
Let’s take a closer look at the unexpected neighbors that you definitely don’t want to run into during your morning coffee run.
1. Pigeons
I’m immediately diving into the most innocent-looking choice, aren’t I? You might know them as somewhat friendly and pretty harmless sky-neighbors. But the thing is, they’ve earned the nicknames “sky rats” and “rats with wings” for a reason.
It’s really cool how they scavenge for scraps and squeeze into tiny spaces! But this comes at a serious health risk. Their droppings carry all kinds of diseases, like salmonella and histoplasmosis! Seems like they don’t really bring much luck, huh?
2. Rats
There is no denying that the rats take the first place in being top-tier scummy scammers.
Rats make babies faster than Flash can run, and they’re an unstoppable army then! Spice it up with a good system of underground mazes, and there you have it! An opponent that is hard to beat!
They love to hang out in sewers and subway tunnels, emerging during the night. But all that exposure to gross stuff means they can carry some pretty nasty diseases. And let’s not forget that their chewing habits have been known to spark city fires!
3. Raccoons
These little Meekos are masked mischief makers who adore scavenging and breaking into random attics at night. The burglar-looking mask really fits in this case!
Raccoons are quite cute, I agree. But you really shouldn’t try to cuddle them! They can carry rabies, so each encounter with one can be pretty risky. Nonetheless, it’s important to mention that raccoons are spawning more because of our bad waste management!
4. Snakes
Sneaky and slithery snakes! Just when you thought it was safe to go to the park, these scaly and silent predators slither into the picture! In many cities, snakes can be a good deterrent against rat problems I described above, though.
But in other cases? It’s a risky move to expect altruism! Copperheads, in particular, love to hang out in overgrown lots in parks. They catch any prey (and unsuspecting human) off guard!
Their stealthy nature makes them quite a danger. But don’t worry! They’re usually more scared of you than you are of them. Keyword: usually.
5. Coyotes
Believe it or not, these stealthers have managed to adapt to life alongside humans! They can be seen stalking urban streets under the cover of darkness. But they are pretty good at hiding too, so if you do somehow spot one, good for you!
Coyotes are becoming increasingly bolder. In more recent times, they began hunting pets in urban neighborhoods. And similar to raccoons, they can carry rabies!
6. Alligators
In places like Florida, gators are known to often wander into residential areas. Sometimes, they even take dips in swimming pools or sunbathe in the warm yards! While attacks are relatively rare, they’re still incredibly dangerous!
Keep an eye on those swimming pools anyway, folks! You never know when a swampy monster might pay a visit. And if they do, don’t test them too much. Ask a pro for help instead!
7. Humans
This is going to be a controversial entry, but hear me out! When it comes to cities, homo sapiens tend to be the biggest danger to each other! I mean, think about it. We pollute the cities and we cause health problems; we destroy habitats. Then, a cherry on top, metropolises aren’t really known to be safe, are they? Human-on-human violence is quite rampant!