Every now and then, I come across a heartwarming story that truly reaffirms my faith in humanity. Here’s one such tale.
Just a few days ago, the brave firefighters from Poudre Fire Authority (PFA) in Colorado demonstrated their heroism by rescuing a beautiful horse from drowning in a canal at the intersection of N. Giddings Rd. and E. CR 56.

PFA announced on their official Facebook page that their skilled responders, dispatched at 9:50 a.m., found Lacy – a blind female horse in her 20s – up to her shoulders in moderately flowing water.
They were supported by their Large Animal Rescue Team (LART), the Colorado State University animal care team, and UC Health ambulance services.
A firefighter, trained in swift water and animal rescue, entered the canal to place a harness around Lacy’s neck and begin the rescue.
The team then guided Lacy downstream and under a bridge to a less steep area, hoping she could climb out on her own.

All the while, the CSU veterinary team was onshore, advising on how to keep Lacy calm.
Unfortunately, their initial plan wasn’t as successful as they hoped. Poor Lacy struggled to exit the canal on her own, becoming exhausted quickly.
According to their Facebook post:
“Lacy, already tired, did not have the strength to exit on her own even with assistance from the firefighters on ropes. She laid down after a short attempt. Responders comforted her and the animal care team was able to provide a mild sedative.”
This forced the PFA team to come up with a new plan: Pulling Lacy out with a winch system.

Thankfully, this strategy proved effective; Lacy was soon safely onshore, where the CSU medical team immediately checked her vitals and began treatment.
PFA firefighters shared the entire rescue mission on their X profile. If you’re curious, check it out below:
Lacy, already tired, did not have the strength to exit on her own even with the assistance from responders, and laid down after a short attempt. Responders comforted her and she received sedation. The team made a new plan to secure her further & pull Lacy up with a winch system. pic.twitter.com/78W1Vd8qNL
— poudrefire (@poudrefire) July 6, 2024
PFA reported that Lacy suffered several cuts on her legs but thankfully no major injuries were found.
After her sedation wore off, this brave girl quickly bounced back, ready to enjoy some fresh hay and affectionate strokes to regain her strength.

Kudos to the Poudre Fire Authority (PFA) from Colorado and all the good people who assisted in rescuing Lacy from drowning.
Thanks to their courage and teamwork, Lacy was rescued from the canal and can now continue to enjoy her life to the fullest.