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Colorado Bear Discovers A Trail Camera And Snaps 400 Selfies That Are Just ‘Unbearably’ Funny

Colorado Bear Discovers A Trail Camera And Snaps 400 Selfies That Are Just ‘Unbearably’ Funny

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Secrets of wildlife often remain hidden from human eyes. Yet, some of them unfold unexpectedly, offering insights into the mysteries of the natural world.

One such secret came to light when a Colorado park became the stage for a surprising event – a bear discovered a wildlife camera and became an overnight star!

This bear was one of many animals the Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) team monitored to understand local wildlife behavior. However, when they reviewed the footage from one of their cameras, they were in for a hilarious surprise.

The unsuspecting bear, living its usual life, stumbled upon this ‘strange object’ among the trees, triggering it to snap four hundred selfies!

Colorado Bear
Source: Facebook

These close-ups revealed the black bear posing with various expressions and showcasing its curious nature and playful spirit. It was as if it had discovered its inner model, trying out different looks for an invisible audience.

The OSMP team was amazed by the bear’s photo shoot. It was a humorous break from their daily routine and they couldn’t resist sharing it on social media. Philip Yates, an OSMP spokesperson, explained in an interview:

“In this instance, a bear took a special interest in one of our wildlife cameras and took the opportunity to capture hundreds of selfies. These pictures made us laugh, and we thought others would, too.”

Bear on camera
Source: Facebook

However, the team definitely didn’t expect the reaction they would get. The public’s response was overwhelming as people were charmed by the bear’s selfies, sharing them far and wide.

The selfies quickly went viral, with social media users joking about the bear’s potential as a social media influencer. They praised its ‘photogenic’ skills and the ‘unbearably cute’ expressions.

Through its innocent curiosity, this wildlife creature managed to connect with people globally, becoming an overnight sensation.

Colorado Bear on camera
Source: Facebook

Yet, its selfies were more than just amusing images. By creating a huge online engagement, they connected people to the wildlife world in a new and entertaining way, highlighting the importance of the work done by OSMP.

Yates emphasized the joy and connection people feel when they see animals acting in human-like ways. He pointed out that this helps people appreciate nature more and is a great way to raise awareness about wildlife conservation.

Bear in forest
Source: Facebook

Indeed, moments like these make nature feel personal and relatable. When you see a bear looking like it’s ready to post on Instagram, it breaks down barriers and makes you realize that these creatures have personalities and quirks just like us.

Big Bear in forest
Source: Facebook

That’s how the black bear of Colorado raised awareness for wildlife protection and preservation, becoming an unexpected ambassador for the cause.

Through its hilarious selfie spree, it helped bridge the gap between humans and animals, reminding us just how similar we are!