Establishments like circuses that use wild animals for entertainment are by far the cruelest things that exist.

Depriving wild animals from their natural habitat and freedom for the sole purpose of entertaining humans is a concept that makes my blood boil.
Unfortunately, even to this day such establishments still operate and capture wild animals. Few non-profit organizations work tirelessly to save these wild animals, so get ready to hear all about it.

A majestic tiger named Susu spent her entire life chained to a metal pole. She used to live in a local circus that forced her to do tricks for visitors.
This poor soul was food deprived, her bones were showing and she had barely the energy to walk or run.

While she was chained up, people would come and take pictures with her while ignoring the harsh conditions she was living in.
Susu never experienced freedom or what it feels like to walk on grass. Little did she know that soon all of this was about to change.

Wildlife Friends Foundation found out about Susu and from that day on, they fought hard to save her from the circus.
A dedicated team of rescuers arrived to free Susu from her chains and bring her to their sanctuary. Sadly, it was impossible to release her into the wild as she would not be able to survive on her own.

The foundation had a sanctuary for all kinds of wild animals, with a special section just for tigers. This sanctuary was huge, with acres of forest for the tigers to explore.
They sedated Susu and transported her to their sanctuary, where she would begin a new chapter in her life.

This majestic big cat was released immediately upon arrival, and her reaction brought tears to the rescuer’s eyes.
For the first time in her life, she felt grass and could run around without a heavy chain dragging behind her.

Susu was introduced to other tigers in their sanctuary, and the sweet soul instantly bonded with them.
Thanks to this amazing rescue organization, Susu the tiger will spend the rest of her life free without being forced to do tricks!