Recently, Kristie Pereira from Maryland shared a shocking story that captured public attention. She discovered Beau, a dog she once owned, listed for adoption on a local rescue’s website. Previously, due to unforeseen circumstances and Beau’s health issues, Kristie had been advised to surrender him for euthanasia. Imagine her surprise when she found him months …
Animals daily
People who explore wildlife often get excited when they encounter something extremely rare. That’s exactly what happened to wildlife conservationist Russ McSpadden. When he went to check out a trail camera for the Center for Biological Diversity, he was shocked to see a rare animal in an unexpected place. We can say it was his …
Cats have proven to us many times just how brave they are. They will protect their loved ones just like a dog would. Today’s story is about a hero cat named Biscuits who saved her owner’s pet chicken Cupcake from a fatal outcome. When Biscuits owner went to their front yard to take something from …
Riley and Abe, two inseparable sheep, live the good life at their sanctuary. However, not too long ago, things were pretty grim for these guys. Authorities discovered a heartbreaking situation on a farm in North Carolina, where over two hundred animals were severely neglected. Many were starving, and sadly, some had already passed away. Thankfully, …
Katherine Van Beek’s heart was always open to animals. Every day on her walk home, she kept an open eye for any creature that needed help. Yet, nothing prepared her for the moment she found a tiny, fragile life struggling on the roadside. At first glance, it looked like a small mouse, but a closer …
While fishing on a calm river, Renato Borella and his guide, Neco, were enjoying the tranquility of the moment when something unexpected caught their attention. Up ahead, they saw a black tail splashing wildly near the riverbank, flailing as though the creature was in distress. It was a dog, in desperate need of help! Renato …
Remember when you were a kid and you lived for those moments when your parents brought you to the local zoo? I could barely wait for the weekend to see all those majestic animals inches away from me. Recently, a zoo advertised its new and exciting exhibit, featuring a species the zoo has never had …
One day in Beaumont, California, a man glanced outside his window and spotted something that made him look twice – a wild bobcat strolling right through his yard. At first, he thought she was just passing by. But then he noticed something small and fluffy hanging from her mouth. His eyes widened as he realized …
A typical workday at the Spindletop Boomtown Museum in Beaumont, Texas, took a wild turn last month when a gift shop worker made an unusual discovery. As she returned from a restroom break, she spotted a peculiar figure crouched in the museum’s doorway. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was exactly what she thought: an …
The devoted team at a wild horse sanctuary in Livermore, Colorado, had been closely watching one of their beloved mares, Resurrection, who was expecting a baby. Her gentle demeanor and growing belly had everyone anticipating the arrival of a new foal, a precious moment for any rescue organization. Yet, within this seemingly typical pregnancy was …