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Cat’s Unbelievably Deep Meow Takes The Internet By Storm

Cat’s Unbelievably Deep Meow Takes The Internet By Storm

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Meet Jack, a black and white cat who took the internet by storm with his unusual meow. 

Apparently, Jack has the deepest meow you’ll ever hear, and I don’t think anyone is prepared for this sound.

Jack’s video instantly went viral, but it also raised an important question: is the video fake, or does the cat have a health issue causing such a deep voice?

Well, check it out and decide for yourself!

Besides bringing a lot of questions, this funny video surely made everyone laugh. Here are some of the comments that caught my attention. 

A person by the nickname I am Me commented:

“I hope you all realize that all these videos of Jack have been proven to be 100% fake. The cat’s condition makes its voice more raspy, not deeper. Vets have watched this video and proved it impossible.”

Some people raised concerns about Jack’s health condition, especially after Jack’s owner said the vet had diagnosed him with some sort of laryngeal paralysis.

“Jack has a very rare form of laryngeal paralysis and his voice changed after his first surgery. Since posting this video I’ve received a lot messages from people sending me their own cats that have similar issues. I want to make an awareness video on this and include cats that sound the same as well as veterinary interviews” 

However, as the person by the nickname I am Me said, such a condition causes the voice to be raspy and weak, not deep. 

cute black and white dog
Source: YouTube

While some were concerned about Jack’s health, others were convinced the video was fake. A person by the nickname Snailien wrote:

“To anyone who believes this is actually Jack’s ‘real voice’, it’s really obvious ‘Jack’s’ voice is coming from behind the camera. The sounds do not add up to where Jack is located.”

On the other hand, some people didn’t care whether the video was fake or not, they just wanted to enjoy it and have a good laugh.

A person by the nickname Missigno wrote:

“Haha still sounds fake but I’ll keep checking for new videos of Jack meowing.”

Another person Something Something commented:

“I don’t think anyone was prepared for this cat meow no matter how they imagined it to be before clicking on this video.”

Well, fake or not, I couldn’t agree more with this comment. But if you ask me, I would say that Jack’s meowing is definitely fake.

adorable black and white cat
Source: YouTube

However, what is most important is that Jack is healthy and well-cared for. Jack and his owner found a perfect way to gain popularity and amuse people worldwide, and we all love fun, don’t we?

Have you watched any of Jack’s videos? What do you think, are they fake or not? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, but don’t forget to have some fun along the way!