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Woman Adopts A Kitten But He Shows A Special Affection To Someone Else

Woman Adopts A Kitten But He Shows A Special Affection To Someone Else

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When this kind-hearted woman welcomed a tiny neglected kitten to her home, she had no idea that she and her husband were about to battle for his affection. 

However, soon, the tiny kitten put his human mom in her place by choosing dad, making her a third wheel. If you keep scrolling, you’ll see she’s not thrilled by the cat’s decision.

tiny kitten
Credit: YouTube

This hilarious turn of events began when Lindsey found two tiny, neglected kittens in her friend’s backyard. Moved by the sight and worried about their well-being, she brought them home. 

While discussing with her boyfriend, Drew, they decided to adopt one, and she was overjoyed.

Lindsey and Drew welcomed this adorable furrball into their home and affectionately named him Roswell. However, none of them knew they would end up competing for the cat’s affection.

man with kiiten on chest
Credit: YouTube

As Roswell grew, he turned into a lovely and affectionate kitty, who brought so much happiness into the couple’s life. 

However, even though he loves both of his human parents, Roswell has a special bond with Drew. Lindsey shared in an interview:

“As soon as my husband sits down he climbs right up and like, is face to face, nose to nose, must be as close as humanly possible. Drew is walking around with Roswell like a baby. I don’t know what happened but they found each other.”

funny cat lying on man chect
Credit: YouTube

Drew turned out to be Roswell’s true perfect match, and he will always choose to snuggle next to Drew rather than Lindsey. 

However, despite being allergic to cats, Lindsey often feels jealous that she doesn’t share the same bond with Roswell as Drew does.

cat looking at woman
Credit: YouTube

She refused to give up the battle for Roswell’s affection. One day, she came up with an idea to put on a beard, hoping it might remind Roswell of Drew and attract him to her. She shared:

“I think Drew’s beard has something to do with why he prefers him…I went to the store and they had a bunch of different Halloween beards so I bought one and I was like, ‘Hey Drew I look like you, I wonder if Roswell is going to rub on me.’”

cat layed down on woman
Credit: YouTube

To everyone’s surprise, her silly idea worked. As soon as Lindsey put the beard on, Roswell approached and began rubbing against her fake beard. She said with delight:

“It worked instantly! He started rubbing all over my face but with my allergy, it was kind of like it’s protecting me, like he’s not rubbing on my skin, he’s rubbing on my beard so I’m not getting hives and he still gets to love me.”

couple with cat
Credit: YouTube

Later on, she put on her fake beard and Drew’s hat, curious about Roswell’s reaction. He instantly came for cuddles, but as soon as she took everything off, he drew back, leaving his human mom disappointed. Lindsey added:

“I have tried to pry my way into their love, and I’m on the outskirts, but that’s OK. I will be their third wheel for as long as they will have me.”

No matter how much Lindsey tries, Roswell remains devoted to Drew. However, what matters the most is that he loves Lindsey too. If it weren’t for her, he wouldn’t be where he is right now – happy in a loving home!