Sophie Thomas, a 97-year-old Michigan resident, found herself in quite a dreadful situation.
While tending to her garden, she had no idea her day would turn into a horror movie.

Sophie’s next-door neighbor forgot to close the bedroom window, and their 4 Pit Bulls managed to get out.
Unaware of the danger lurking from behind, Sophie was peacefully pulling out dandelions.

All of a sudden she heard some growling and poor Sophie was afraid to move. In a matter of seconds, she was surrounded by them. As she said in an interview:
“Four big Pitbulls come marching in and they surrounded me. They kept going around and around.”

It was obvious that the dogs were not friendly and one of them lunged towards Sophie while aggressively growling at her. The dog managed to bite her right hand.
The only thing the poor lady managed to do was to hit the dog, but once he backed off another one was ready to attack her.
At that moment Sophie was certain there was no way out and no one was coming to help her.

However, one tiny hero was about to jump in and save the day. Sophie’s cat Tiger noticed the commotion and once she realized her human was in danger she decided to help.
Tiger ran outside and went into full attack mode. She diverted the dog’s attention and they started chasing her, giving Sophie enough time to run into the house and call for help.
The neighbors said it was an honest mistake and they felt terrible about it. But if it weren’t for Tiger, Sophie would have faced a fatal outcome.
Sophie’s hand healed quickly, but she will never forget that day and she will forever be grateful for Tiger!