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Cat Mistakenly Diagnosed With Tumor Escapes Euthanasia In The Most Heartwarming Way

Cat Mistakenly Diagnosed With Tumor Escapes Euthanasia In The Most Heartwarming Way

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Many pet owners feel anxious about letting their cats wander around in the backyard. They worry about what might happen to their furry friends when they’re out of sight, as there could be hidden dangers nearby.

But then, just imagine what happens to stray cats that are out on their own and have to deal with even more risks, and no one is there to look after them.

There’s one such story about bravery and hope that came from the streets of California, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

cat with big nose
Source: Instagram

Journey was a tuxedo cat who had spent most of his life struggling to survive on the tough streets of Riverside.

Every day was a challenge for him as he searched for food. Then, things took a turn for the worse when a strange growth appeared on his nose, making it hard for him to breathe.

When rescuers found him, they were shocked by how serious his condition was. They thought it might be a tumor and quickly took him to a shelter, fearing the worst for him.

black cat with big nose
Source: Instagram

On the other hand, the animal shelter was really struggling because so many animals were coming in. 

They had to make some tough choices since they didn’t have enough resources, and sometimes they had to put animals down, which was really sad. 

Now in really bad shape, Journey ended up on the list for euthanasia. But luckily, his fate changed when a kind woman named Lucille came along. 

cat with big nose on a leash
Source: Instagram

She felt really sorry for Journey and decided to save him, giving him another chance. 

After checking him out, the vets found out that Journey didn’t have a tumor; instead, he was suffering from a serious fungal infection called cryptococcosis

This sneaky illness comes from breathing in fungal spores and can cause a lot of problems like trouble breathing, loss of appetite, and even issues with the nervous system. 

cute cat with big nose
Source: Instagram

The situation looked pretty bad, but Lucille was ready to do everything she could to help Journey survive.

The path to getting better was tough and full of obstacles. Lucille’s strong commitment was put to the test as she dealt with the challenges of Journey’s treatment, as she shared on Instagram

“This disease will take up to a year for complete recovery. It isn’t contagious to other animals. The growth on the bridge of his nose has decreased. Sneezing has slowed also.”

cat with big nose in clothes
Source: Instagram

The fungal infection was a tough enemy, leading to setbacks and moments of sadness. But with each day that went by, there were signs of hope. 

Nearly two years after Lucille helped Journey, the scary growth on his nose started to get smaller, showing that progress was being made. However, the fight was not over. She mentioned in a post

“Last week he received a Blood Titer test. This tells us how far his cryptococcosis has come to being cured. When he was rescued his blood titer was over 30,000. It is now 32. In order to be considered cured he needs a titer test of ZERO !!! Journey is in the home stretch of leaving cryptococcosis behind him.”

cat in box
Source: Instagram

Cryptococcosis is a stubborn illness, and it can take months or even years to fully recover. Luckily, Journey is not alone in this, and Lucille carefully watches over his health, making sure he gets the right medicine and food.

Now, even though he has a tough journey ahead, Journey proved everyone wrong with the help of his mom, Lucille. He wouldn’t be here today without her! So cheers to second chances!