If you’re like me, and you’re a fan of adorable animal interactions, then you’re in for a treat! Meet Winston, a charming bull with one mission and one mission only: To befriend every animal at Delmar Farm, especially the horses.
This friendly bull is determined to spread love wherever he goes, much to the delight of his owner, Claudia Campbell. However, not all the horses share Winston’s enthusiasm for affection, which occasionally leads to some amusing standoffs.
But such minor setbacks don’t discourage Winston from pursuing his passion. Keep reading to learn more about this lovable bull!
A Bullock With Only One Dream – To Find A Friend

Winston arrived at Delmar Farm in Florida as a 2-month-old bullock. Claudia, the farm owner, was asked to take him in after the people who originally purchased him no longer wanted him.
Claudia gladly welcomed him to her farm, knowing he would be a wonderful addition to the farm family.
Winston Was Only 2 Months Old When He Arrived

Upon his arrival, Winston was understandably nervous but radiated a gentle innocence that he never lost.
The other animals, initially puzzled by the new arrival, did not immediately warm up to him. Claudia recalled Winston’s early days during an interview, saying:
“None of the animals wanted anything to do with Winston, and he really wanted a friend.”
He Was Lonely And Desperate For A Friend

Eventually, some of the farm animals, like the goats for example, began to accept Winston and his friendly nature, reciprocating his affectionate kisses with cuddles.
However, Winston’s charm had yet to win over Delmar Farm’s horses.
Suddenly, Winston’s simple dream of finding a friend morphed into a grander ambition: To win the hearts of every horse on Claudia’s farm!
What’s Up With Those Horses, Anyway?

Despite the horses’ apparent disinterest, Winston, the ever-charming bull, was determined to win them over.
Talking about his determination in another interview, Claudia said:
“Winston was like absolutely determined to give morning kisses to any horse that had their head sticking out of their stalls. You would think Winston would understand their body language by now, but it doesn’t matter…he’s very determined!”
Winston Was Determined To Win Someone Over

There was one horse in particular, named Trigger, who seemed to particularly disdain Winston’s kissing ritual and wanted nothing to do with him. Speaking about their dynamic, Claudia said:
“He (Trigger) just kept trying to bite him. And Winston was relentless in trying to say, ‘Hello!’ and it would become a comedy show!”
Some people argued that Trigger actually liked Winston, too, and that biting was just his way of showing affection.
But personally, I’m not convinced. To me, it seems like Trigger really wasn’t a fan of Winston, which is unfortunate – because who wouldn’t adore him? Winston is simply too lovable to resist!
Delmar Farm’s Kindred Spirits

If you think this story ends with Winston failing to win over any of Delmar Farm’s horses, think again! The tale of this adorable bull actually has a happy ending!
Believe it or not, Winston found his soulmate in a beautiful mare named Ronny. She arrived at Delmar Farm as a rescue, immediately paired with the miniature horses, who unfortunately made her feel out of place and very lonely.
Fortunately, a special bull had been watching her from afar, completely smitten and waiting for his chance to win her heart.
At Last, Someone Loves Winston Back

The first time Winston approached Ronny’s stall, he began his usual routine: Showering her with kisses. Claudia and the rest of her crew braced for the usual rejection – Ronny backing off or even reacting aggressively.
However, something magical happened instead, stunning everyone present, including Winston!
“To our surprise, Ronny really seemed to enjoy it. There’s this kindred connection between the two of them. It was a friendship made in heaven!”
Winston and Ronny bonded instantly and became inseparable. The connection they shared from the start is something even humans might envy. Just look at them! Aren’t they adorable?
I’m thrilled that Winston finally found not just one, but two friends!
Yup, you’ve read that right! There’s also a horse named Cash who shares Ronny’s love for this adorable friendly bull. This trio gives me hope that Winston might one day fulfill his dream of befriending every horse at Delmar Farm.
If you want to see that happen, I suggest following their journey on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Support Claudia’s incredible work and stay updated with all the heartwarming stories from Delmar Farm.