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Big Fluffy Dog Steals The Spotlight By Casually Interrupting A Live Weather Report

Big Fluffy Dog Steals The Spotlight By Casually Interrupting A Live Weather Report

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I guess Bella was determined to become a star that day!

Josh Judge, a weatherman with years of experience behind him, always knew how to handle surprises and keep it professional during his job. However, this fluffy little lady caught Josh off guard!

He was stunned! 

the dog interferes with the program live
Credit: YouTube

At WMUR TV in New Hampshire, Josh has had many excitements, and nobody before Bella managed to catch him by surprise.

I guess no one can stay immune to this fluffy cutie. He was shooting a live weather report and in the middle of it, just as he was discussing an upcoming wave of sunny days, Bella completely caught him off guard. As he said in an interview:

“It was early in the morning and all I knew was that as I’m doing the weather, I suddenly see a dog walking behind.”

the dog behind the man who hosts the program live
Credit: YouTube

“My brain was like, ‘Did a dog just walk behind you?’ I had to pause for a microsecond to make sure that’s what I had just seen!”

Even though Josh was totally shocked by the dog’s appearance on set, Bella was actually supposed to be there that day.

the dog under the spotlight during the live program
Credit: YouTube

This fluffy black-and-white Newfoundland dog named Bella belongs to Amy Covena, the weekend anchor at WMUR TV. Bella was on set to appear in a piece about vets that Amy planned on doing.

Be that as it may, it seems that nobody informed Josh about it. To make things even funnier, Bella chose to walk onto his set of all places. Hilarious! When Amy heard about it she thought she was done for!

“I was terrified that Josh would be mad at me or that I would get in trouble at work.”

But Josh is the GOAT! With more than 15 years of experience, this weatherman handled it like a pro, as Amy later explained:

“Josh is a pro. We’ve worked together for 10 years and he made her part of the forecast.”

Then we see Josh smoothly transition from seeing Bella back to his forecast:

“The sunshine is increasing and there is a dog behind me. Okay, alright, so it’s not the dog days of summer just yet, but it will be at least warmer than you’d expect for this time of year.”

What a legend! The video quickly went viral, with 900k views and counting. I myself watched it a few times, lol! How adorable!

smiling host during the live program
Credit: YouTube

Bella came to the set that day to become a star, one way or the other! And Josh didn’t mind a bit of glory himself, he is quite famous for his “co-host” Bella.

It’s an adorable video you don’t want to miss, and be sure to share it with your friends to make their day: