Pet ownership is a great tool for coping with depression, anxiety, and mental health issues in general. Although introverts prefer their own company to that of other people, it does not mean it is impossible to feel lonely or be in a bad state of mind.
Research conducted by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) and Mental Health America (MHA) showed that 73% percent of owners agreed that owner-dog interaction improved their mental health.
This perfectly proves that dogs are the companions introverts need and deserve. So, if you want to know which dogs are best for introverts, this article will be worth a read.
1. Lhasa Apsos Share Your Reservations Towards Strangers

For introverts who prefer a less rough around-the-edges aesthetic, the Lhasa Apso makes those wishes come true.
Lhasa’s compact body with a long, silky, mop-style coat, or short, cushion-coated version, pairs really well with the stranger-repellant air that surrounds them.
Despite the small size, they are decent watchdogs that will warn you when unwanted social contact approaches. As long as there is space to roam around your home, it will be content in terms of physical activity.
Still, regular walks are highly recommended and should not present too much of a hassle. After all, the Lhasa Apso loves dodging touches from strangers as much as introverts like dodging unnecessary conversation.
2. Akitas Are Great Active-Introvert Companions

History shows that Akitas are independent dogs that need absolutely no one to have a good life. Still, they work well with many types of owners but prefer those who understand their preferences.
Although Akitas have high energy levels and love open spaces, they are aloof with strangers and do not care much for affection, as long as they have a clear purpose, a filled belly, and a place to sleep in.
I mean, does this look like a dog that wants to hang out with people?
You can see how their temperament fits well into an introvert’s personality – both dog and owner know what makes them happy, prefer being left alone, and want people without an invitation to hang out to keep their distance.
You have two options to choose from when it comes to the Akita, the American vs Japanese version. There are plenty of physical and a few minor temperament differences, so make sure to select the right one for your needs.
3. Basset Hounds Are Never Out Of Bounds

A careless expression with long-hanging ears on the side screams easygoing. For people who prefer carefully selected company, the Basset Hound is an exceptional choice.
You will rarely see them whine, despite being pretty vocal from time to time. Low exercise needs will save you a lot of time otherwise spent going to agility courses, and they require very little training to be a good pet, says the Basset Association of America.
Petting them once or twice a day is enough, seeing how they like feeling safe, but not snuggled in human affection.
The risks of separation anxiety are relatively low because Basset cherishes alone time. Some household items (those it can reach) can suffer damage, though.
4. English Bulldogs Cannot Be Bothered

The rowdy looks and determination to do whatever they want to make the English Bulldog an incredible contender for an introvert’s choice of companion. Focusing on lying around, eating, and the occasional mischief, a Bulldog makes sense.
You can spend most of the day away from home and find them in the same position you left them in. Depending on how bored a Bulldog is, you might have some chewed-up footwear or furniture, but they will mostly relax and enjoy the peace.
With its low physical activity needs, you will successfully avoid contact with a lot of random people in parks and playgrounds. Belly rubs, head scratches, and short sessions of owner-dog affection are welcomed but do not expect too much.
5. The Shiba Inu Is Elon Musk’s Breed Of Choice

One of the biggest introverted celebrities in the world, Elon Musk, owns a Shiba Inu named Floki. While you might be a little more or less fond of social contact than the tech-world Batman, this breed is a good overall choice.
If they are good enough to be CEOs, then, you will be in good company.
Their exercise requirements are average, and hanging out with other dogs is not as crucial for their happiness as being in their owner’s presence. Medium-sized and on the fluffy side, they have a distinct look that you will never get tired of.
Unfamiliar humans will be met with indifference, and their body language will decisively tell everyone that approaching and interacting with them or their owner is not welcome. They are the perfect canine companion to live in an introvert bubble with.
There is a lot of confusion about Akitas and Shiba Inus and how to distinguish between them. Long story short, they are not the same and have different needs.
6. Siberian Huskies Are Unobviously Balanced

Introverted dog owners who want their dogs to be a bit more social with them, but less so with other people, can put their trust in a husky. Most lists will not feature this breed as good for introverts, but my experience tells a different story.
Huskies are born followers who enjoy an independent lifestyle. Bred to pull sleds all day long and be in the presence of their human without being needy puts them high on the list of dogs appropriate for personalities who keep to themselves.
Affection is great in moderation, but they really bond well with introverts who can spend an entire day hiking, trailing, or even biking in open areas. A duo of owner and dog against the world is the best possible combination for a Siberian Husky.
A word of caution for prospective Husky owners – they are chatty beyond measure and have a distinct vocalization technique you probably heard on YouTube or Instagram. If it sounds unbearable, then forget I ever mentioned it.
7. Alaskan Malamute Are Awoof

You can spot a trend here. The Husky’s cousin is even better at mirroring an introvert’s lifestyle. They are large dogs with above-average energy levels that desire nothing more than a stable job and plenty of rest.
They are more independent than Huskies, less active, and couldn’t care less about other people as long as you provide everything they need. If you live in an apartment or have little room in your house, the Malamute’s size might be a dealbreaker for you.
However, they are not the most sensitive dogs. This means that people with mental health issues will most likely not get a lot of affection from this breed.
Malamutes are tricky to master, so once you unlock their full potential, they might be the only breed for you.
8. The Fast-Paced Independence Of Hungarian Vizslas

Hunter extraordinaire and ceaseless energy in the body of a dog are the two phrases that most of the world associates with Vizslas. Despite being a summation of those words, there is so much more to Vizslas than energy and instinctual intelligence.
Firstly, Vizslas are not fond of unfamiliar people, the AKC says. They are protective and fierce when the occasion arises, but balanced and calm when with their owners. Most dog parks cannot handle Vizslas, which makes for a pro in an introvert’s books.
The downside is that they have extremely high physical exercise needs that cannot be satiated with a couple of daily walks. If you are an outdoorsy introvert who loves nature and a canine partner, the Vizsla is probably your best option out of all these.
9. Pekingese, Perfect For Quiet Souls

The Pekingese is a small, dignified dog that exudes elegance and independence, making it a perfect match for introverts who value quiet, meaningful relationships. These dogs were originally bred as companions for Chinese royalty, and they continue to live up to their regal reputation.
Pekingese are incredibly loyal and form deep bonds with their owners, preferring one-on-one companionship over constant interaction with strangers or other animals. This breed thrives in a calm, relaxed environment, aligning perfectly with the lifestyle of introverts who enjoy cozy, quiet spaces.
Despite their independent nature, Pekingese are affectionate and love spending time with their favorite person, often following them around the house or curling up next to them during downtime.
They’re not overly demanding or energetic, making them a low-maintenance companion for those who prefer peaceful activities like reading, watching movies, or simply enjoying a moment of silence.
Their small size and moderate exercise needs mean they’re well-suited to apartment living or smaller homes.
The Pekingese’s calm demeanor and deep connection with their owner make them an ideal companion for introverted individuals seeking a loyal, loving pet without the noise or chaos of a more high-energy breed.
10. Newfoundland Will Be Your Loyal Giant

Newfoundlands, affectionately called “Newfies,” are the epitome of the gentle giant, offering a calm, loving presence that is perfect for introverts who appreciate quiet, loyal companionship.
Despite their large size, Newfoundlands are known for their patient, sweet-natured temperament, often described as “nanny dogs” due to their protective yet gentle demeanor.
They are incredibly intuitive and have a natural ability to sense their owner’s emotions, making them excellent companions for introverts who seek comfort and understanding from their pets.
While they are large and require some space, Newfoundlands are not overly energetic dogs. They are content with moderate daily walks and enjoy lounging at home with their humans, making them ideal for those who prefer a laid-back lifestyle.
Their affectionate nature and loyalty mean they are happiest when they’re close to their family, often lying at your feet or resting their massive head in your lap for some quiet bonding time.
Newfoundlands are also known for being great listeners—though they may not respond with words, their soulful eyes and calm presence provide unparalleled emotional support.
For introverts seeking a gentle, loving dog that offers companionship without overwhelming demands, the Newfoundland is a truly perfect match.
11. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, The Ultimate Snuggle Expert

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are affectionate, gentle, and highly adaptable, making them an ideal companion for introverts.
They thrive on forming close bonds with their owners and enjoy quiet moments of snuggling on the couch.
In addition, their calm demeanor and loving personality make them excellent emotional support animals for those who value deep, one-on-one connections.
12. Greyhound, Your 40 Mph Couch Potato

Despite their reputation as racing dogs, Greyhounds are surprisingly laid-back and gentle. They are known as “40 mph couch potatoes” because of their love for lounging and quiet companionship.
Greyhounds form strong bonds with their owners and are content with short daily walks, followed by long periods of relaxation, making them a perfect match for introverts seeking a calm and loyal companion.