Let me guess why you are here: you’ve got yourself a Golden Retriever and they’re basically your fluffy soulmate! But now life’s getting busy, or maybe you just think your Goldilocks deserves a new bestie to share all that endless energy with.
Whatever the reason, you’re on a mission to find the perfect companion. Lucky for you, I’ve got a list you may find useful!
Sure, Golden Retrievers are social butterflies who can make friends with just about anyone. But some dog breeds click with them in ways others just can’t. Sit tight, and get ready to find out which of these 6 doggos would be the best companion for your Rapunzel BFF!
1. Labrador Retriever
If Golden Retrievers are the social butterflies, then Labradors are their ever-reliant cousins. Both breeds are super friendly, love playing around and being active, and have similar temperaments. They’re obviously a match made in heaven!
But let’s face it. They are so alike that it’s almost like introducing a Goldie to their twin. A choice that is both safe and familiar!
2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Small dog, big friendship energy. Cavaliers are always a warm and charming addition to a household! These littles love companionship and have a snuggly side which would complement a Golden’s energy very well.
There’s always going to be a balance of play and relaxation. Basically, a yin to your Golden’s yang. Just keep an eye out. The little one might find their Golden buddy’s antics to be a bit overwhelming sometimes!
3. Beagle
Beagles are curious little adventurers who can’t wait to play pranks on you. And when combined with a Goldie in your household? That’s just a buddy-comedy waiting to happen. You’ll be filming the next Rush Hour before you know it!
They’re both super social, so expect double the trouble and double the cuddles. And, don’t forget: double the neighborhood explorations, because these two would be playing cop and chasing squirrels all day!
4. Boxer
If you’re an energetic dog parent, this combination might be just for you. A boxer with a Goldie in your home means non-stop entertainment. Both share endless energy, and a love for fun.
They’ll be chasing each other down in the yard all day! Every day. And you might as well join in because their wagging tails will be begging for energetic cuddles. This just means more fun: you will be the one doing the fetching!
5. Australian Shepherd
If your Goldie is all about outdoor adventures, be prepared for a partner duo that could outsmart the most intelligent of criminals! Aussie Shepherds are smart and energetic, and most importantly: they thrive on having a job to do! Just like Goldies!
Every time you take them out for a hike, they are sure to make it the ultimate adventure. The only question is—can you keep up with them?
6. Bernese Mountain Dog
The Big. The Fluffy. The Notorious…The Bestie! If Goldens had a dream roommate, it’d be a Bernese. Gentle giants who are just as lovable and friendly as Goldens (but with a touch of chill to the party!).
The Goldies bring the sunshine in, while the Bernese is like a cozy hug when you feel upset on a rainy day. Bonus? They love to mimic: so if one of them starts cuddling you, the other one is almost certain to participate! Talk about doggo-heaven…