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Robert Miller

A strange sight unfolded before the eyes of Californian residents: a bald animal digging through trash cans.  When they discovered this odd creature, they were confused. It turned out to be a young black bear with a bad case of mange.  The bear, named Eve, was saved and taken to the California Department of Fish …

Read More about Bear With Skin Disease Discovered In Dumpster Makes Amazing Comeback

As much as winter is challenging for many animals, it’s especially tough for birds who have to deal with unexpected winter hazards, low temperatures and limited food sources. Sadly, most animals struggling with winter dangers don’t survive, but this tiny bird was fortunate enough to cross paths with a very creative and kind-hearted man. One …

Read More about Man Finds A Tiny Bird Stuck To A Frozen Pipe And Quickly Devises A Brilliant Plan To Set It Free

Finding a woodchuck lying motionless is not something you see every day, but that’s exactly what happened in one suburban backyard. When the homeowners noticed a woodchuck that wasn’t moving in their yard, and after watching it for three days without any signs of life, they decided to remove it with a shovel.  Luckily, before …

Read More about Pennsylvania Hero Finds Blind Woodchuck In Backyard Desperately Fighting For Life

Let’s be real, going out to your back deck for some fresh air shouldn’t mean coming face to face with a 400-pound bear. But that’s exactly what happened to a family in Pagosa Springs, Colorado recently. What a way to start the day! Just picture it: you go out with your morning coffee, ready to …

Read More about Family Comes Face To Face With Scary Intruder Lurking Under Their House

Recently, an organization called Charitable Trust participated in a rescue mission, all thanks to a brave and kind-hearted young boy. While running through the woods, he was interrupted by unusual sounds coming from a nearby well. Driven by curiosity, the boy approached and stumbled upon a frightening sight. He found himself standing in front of …

Read More about Young Boy Notices Two Wild Babies Hopelessly Trapped In A Well And Quickly Runs For Help

While many people think it’s easier to work with ponies rather than with bigger horses due to their size, I must say, it’s often the opposite. Ponies are wonderful, but they remind me of small dogs who are often fierce and full of attitude, which can make them challenging to handle.  Even though that’s not …

Read More about Aggressive Pregnant Pony Completely Transforms After Getting A Second Chance At Life

What was supposed to be an ordinary party, turned into a series of surprising events for this group of friends. John P. and his friends were enjoying a small backyard party at his home in Michigan when suddenly, a furry masked visitor appeared out of nowhere. Upon closer inspection, John P. and his friends quickly …

Read More about Backyard Party Turns Into A Life-Saving Mission When A Masked Figure Appears Out Of Nowhere

Hidden dangers lurk in the wild, posing risks to creatures both large and small. This harsh reality became painfully clear for a baby elephant whose innocent exploration of her natural habitat turned into a harrowing battle for survival. Khanyisa was caught in a snare for what seemed like an eternity. This poor thing endured so …

Read More about Helpless Baby Elephant Got Caught In Snare Remaining Trapped For Four Agonizing Days

Well, I’ve heard stories like this a few times, and it still boggles my mind. How could someone leave a poor animal behind, especially if it’s sick?  But then there are people like Janine Guido, the president of Speranza Animal Rescue, who show us that kindness and hope can still exist, even when faced with …

Read More about Lifeless Puppy Abandoned On Doorstep Inside Box With Heartbreaking Note

The euthanasia of pets is one of those topics in the animal world that people have mixed opinions about.  Some argue that it is humane to euthanize animals born with severe disabilities, while others claim that every life deserves a chance. The noble vet who’s at the heart of today’s story definitely falls into the …

Read More about Owner Brings Puppy With Birth Defect To The Clinic To Be Euthanized, But The Vet Has Other Plans