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Nicole Jackson

Meet Sophia, a Pekin duck, who had a difficult past that could have ended tragically. Luckily, a caring guardian stepped in and arranged for the surgery needed to remove part of Sophia’s infected toe.  Now known as “Guy Sofia” at Farm Sanctuary, he needed a place to recover – but little did anyone realize, what …

Read More about Injured Duck Spends His Final Moments With His Loyal Emotional Support Friend

I recently came across a jaw-dropping video of a little girl playing with her 16-foot pythons! Their deep bond was so captivating that I simply had to share this remarkable story with you. Emi first met Sunny and Cher when she was just two years old, barely able to walk on her own. At the …

Read More about 7-Year-Old Girl Hosts Tea Parties With Her Giant 16-Foot Pythons

Not long ago, a beautiful parrot faced a rather grim future. With its beak severely damaged to the point of not existing, the poor thing had slim chances of survival. Fortunately, it was rescued by Paulo Roberto Martins Nunziata, a kind-hearted individual who runs his own bird rescue and preservation center. Over many years, he …

Read More about Parrot With Damaged Beak Had Slim Chances Of Survival Until A Twist Of Fate Altered Its Destiny

It has always amazed me how some humans can form special bonds with certain animals.  Take for example KhamLa, a beautiful female elephant, and Darrick, a part-time mahout at Elephant Nature Park. These two have a very special bond that’s built on mutual love and respect.  Given KhamLa’s rough start in life and her initially …

Read More about Elephant Rushes To Greet Her Favorite Human Friend Whenever He Calls Her Name

One of my favorite things about summer is observing hummingbirds in my garden. These magical little birds are a beautiful sight to behold! Recently, while I was surfing through the internet, I stumbled upon a video that warmed my heart on so many levels.  On what seemed to be a normal day for this California …

Read More about Dehydrated Hummingbird Refuses To Leave Her Rescuer And Peacefully Rests On His Hand

One day, Paul Barton, a talented pianist, started a journey that changed his life. What started as a three-month trip turned into a commitment to help elephants for the rest of his life.  That’s when he met Khwan, a passionate wildlife artist and animal rights advocate who would later become his wife.  Thanks to her, …

Read More about Man Plays Piano For Mistreated Elephant And His Heartbreaking Reaction Speaks Volumes

Friendships between different species are both special and rare. In this touching story, Güero the Lion and a tiny squirrel form just such a bond, and their adorable interaction is sure to warm your heart! Güero the Lion once lived in a small cage at a rundown zoo, under dismal conditions. It was a place …

Read More about Rescued Lion Melts Hearts By Sharing His Treats With A Tiny Squirrel

When Sarah Keith met Ella, a sweet one-year-old Border Collie, she never imagined they would share 11 beautiful years together.  Ella’s first owner, a farmer, had reared her to be a sheepdog but soon realized she wasn’t suited for the task.  He decided to get another puppy, and that’s when Ella went to live with …

Read More about Woman’s Final Walk With Her Terminally Ill Dog Leads To An Emotional And Unforgettable Event

Honey’s quest for a forever home was fraught with challenges. Despite her loving personality and zest for life, potential adopters often hesitated, swayed by her physical differences rather than her vibrant spirit. Honey had a crooked neck that made her stand out from other ducks. However, when Alma entered Honey’s life, everything changed for the …

Read More about Disabled Duck Rejected By All Finds New Purpose As Loving Nanny To A Litter of Puppies

Peabody is by far the smallest horse I’ve ever seen. This adorable little thing had a rough start in life, so get ready to hear about it.  Born with many disabilities, Peabody was abandoned by his mom. His previous owner rushed him to the vet, but he had only one option for her – euthanization. …

Read More about Disabled Miniature Horse About To Get Euthanized Gets A Second Chance At Life