Are you looking for a friendly, low-maintenance dog that’s not prone to any behavioral outbursts in front of unknown people? Great, because I’m about to throw some pawesome recommendations! The list below contains ten friendliest dog breeds that are perfect for novice owners or dog enthusiasts who love having a whole little doggo family or …
Hannah Larson
One of our cats’ favorite activities is sleeping, and they usually sleep a lot during the day. What’s most interesting about their sleeping is the positions that you can find them in. Seeing your cat sleeping in different positions can simply melt your heart, but sometimes you may wonder how they can sleep in certain …
The popular Frenchie is one of the most loved companion dogs nowadays. Totally understandable, since this dog is adaptable, easy to take care of, and so friendly! If you like this dog’s charming appearance, I am sure you will also like the dog breeds that are quite similar to the irresistible French Bulldog. Some people …
Who doesn’t love the holiday season? Christmas is right around the corner, and guess who’s as excited as we are? Our furry friends, of course! But while you’re gearing up to deck the halls and trim the tree, your feline friend might be plotting to redecorate – with a little twist of their own! If …
Adopting a new kitty is a marvelous thing; you’ll definitely be a lot happier with them than without them. Kittens are great, but they do require a certain amount of effort, care, time, and money. You might feel a little overwhelmed by all the things you have to do or buy before you welcome your …
Dogs and bees aren’t natural enemies. Bees buzz around and mind their own business, and so do dogs. But, sometimes our four-legged friends are more curious than they should be. When dogs meet bees, those spicy sky raisins, catastrophe always happens. But, these pooches were really stung by bees… not like that poser dog from …
Welcome, make yourself at home! You’re probably here because you’re a big fan of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed. So, take a look at our list of the top 30 Bernese Mountain Dog mixes that make amazing pets. You’ve probably never heard of some of these mixes. Trust me, neither had I. But, after I …
There are many different dog breeds out there and every single one of them has something interesting about them. Whether it is some of their personality traits or something about their appearance, there will always be a factor that makes a breed interesting. When it comes to the pigment of the dog’s coat, you will …
Wild animal moms work day and night to provide a safe place for their babies. With dangerous predators lurking from behind every corner, these moms constantly worry about the well-being of their babies. Today’s story is about such a hard-working fox mom, who found an unusual place to hide her babies from the dangers around …
Having a house with a beautiful garden is something all of us aspire to have one day. However, a garden comes with a huge responsibility and I’m not talking about those beautiful flower beds. Living surrounded by nature means that once in a while you will encounter wildlife in your backyard. Making sure there are …