Aquarium fish can be a fantastic addition to any family home, especially those with kids. Not only do they add vibrancy and life to your space, but caring for them can also teach children about responsibility and the wonders of marine life.
Here, we explore 12 charming aquarium fish that are known for being particularly kid-friendly. Whether you’re a fish enthusiast or new to the world of aquariums, these selections are sure to delight!
1. Guppies

Guppies are one of the most popular aquarium fish, especially for beginners and families with kids. These lively fish come in a variety of colors, making them a vibrant addition to any tank. Kids are often mesmerized by their bright hues and playful swimming patterns.
Guppies are relatively small, which means they don’t require a huge tank to thrive. One of the best things about guppies is that they are very low-maintenance. They are hardy fish that can adapt to a range of water conditions, making them perfect for novice aquarists.
Feeding them is easy too, as they are not fussy eaters and will happily consume most fish foods.
If you’re considering breeding fish, guppies might be an ideal choice. They are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live, free-swimming offspring.
Watching the tiny guppy fry grow can be an exciting and educational experience for children. Overall, guppies are a delightful choice for a child-friendly aquarium.
2. Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras are small, colorful fish with a bright blue line running from their nose to the adipose fin and a red stripe from the middle of the body to the base of the tail. These striking colors make them a favorite among children and adults alike.
They are peaceful fish that thrive in community tanks. As schooling fish, they prefer to live in groups, and keeping them in schools of six or more encourages natural behaviors.
Their synchronized swimming and group dynamics are not only captivating but also make them fascinating for kids to observe.
These fish are relatively easy to care for, provided their water conditions are kept stable. They thrive in soft, slightly acidic water, and maintaining this environment is crucial for their well-being.
Feeding them is straightforward, as they accept a variety of foods, including flakes and small pellets. Neon Tetras are a splendid choice for teaching children about the importance of social structures in nature.
3. Mollies

Mollies are another excellent choice for families looking for kid-friendly aquarium fish. These fish are available in several colors and patterns, including black, white, orange, and speckled varieties. Their friendly nature and easy care requirements make them a favorite for children’s aquariums.
Mollies are livebearers, similar to guppies, which means they give birth to live young. This can be an exciting aspect for children who are interested in observing the cycles of life.
They are generally peaceful fish but can be a little more active than some of their tank mates.
When caring for mollies, it’s important to provide them with a well-maintained tank with lots of swimming space. They enjoy slightly brackish water, which can be achieved by adding a small amount of aquarium salt.
Feeding mollies is simple, as they will eat flake foods, algae wafers, and even some vegetables. Overall, mollies are resilient and adaptable, making them a wonderful addition to a family aquarium.
4. Platies

Platies are small, hardy fish that bring vibrant color to any aquarium. Known for their bright shades of orange, red, and yellow, platies are visually appealing and easy to care for, making them ideal for kids.
Their peaceful demeanor means they can live harmoniously with a wide range of other fish.
These fish are adaptable and can thrive in various water conditions, but they do best in a well-planted tank where they can explore and hide. Platies are also livebearers, so they can give birth to fry, which can be a fascinating process for children to witness.
Feeding platies is uncomplicated, as they are not picky eaters. They enjoy a diet of flake foods, freeze-dried bloodworms, and brine shrimp.
Watching them interact with their environment and each other can be an engaging experience for kids, teaching them about the natural world and the care needed to maintain it. Platies are truly a joy to have in any child-friendly aquarium.
5. Betta Fish

Betta Fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, are renowned for their brilliant colors and flowing fins.
These captivating fish are sure to catch the eye of anyone who walks by, especially children. Though they are solitary fish, their unique appearance and behaviors make them a popular choice for small tanks.
While bettas can be kept in smaller aquariums, it’s important to ensure they have enough space to swim and explore.
They are labyrinth fish, meaning they can breathe atmospheric air, so having a tank with a lid is advisable to prevent them from jumping out.
Caring for a betta is relatively simple, but they do have specific needs. They thrive in warm water and prefer a temperature between 76-82°F.
Bettas are also known to be picky eaters, so it’s best to feed them a diet specifically formulated for their nutritional requirements. Their stunning appearance and engaging antics make bettas a fantastic option for young aquarium enthusiasts.
6. Swordtails

Swordtails are lively fish known for their distinctive sword-like extension on the males’ tails. These fish are available in a multitude of colors, including red, green, and black, providing a splash of color to any aquarium.
Their peaceful nature makes them suitable for community tanks, and they mix well with other non-aggressive species.
Swordtails are easy to care for and adapt well to a variety of water conditions, although they prefer a tank with plenty of room to swim. These fish are also livebearers, giving birth to live young, which can be an exciting event for kids to observe.
Feeding swordtails is straightforward, as they are not fussy eaters. They enjoy a varied diet including flakes, bloodworms, and brine shrimp. Providing a balanced diet will help maintain their vibrant colors and overall health.
Swordtails are an engaging choice for families looking to add some lively activity to their aquarium.
7. Zebra Danios

Zebra Danios are small, hardy fish known for their energetic swimming patterns and distinctive zebra-like stripes.
These fish are a delightful addition to any child-friendly aquarium due to their active nature and striking appearance. They’re perfect for beginners, as they are very forgiving of less-than-perfect water conditions.
One of the appealing traits of zebra danios is their playful swimming style. They are constantly on the move, which can be fascinating for children to watch. These fish thrive in schools, so keeping them in groups will encourage their natural behavior.
Zebra Danios are not demanding when it comes to feeding. They will readily accept most flake foods and live or frozen options like daphnia and bloodworms.
Their resilience and lively demeanor make them an excellent choice for teaching children about fish care and the dynamics of aquarium life. Zebra Danios are sure to bring joy and excitement to any family aquarium.
8. Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras Catfish, often referred to as “Cory Cats,” are small, peaceful bottom-dwellers that are perfect for kid-friendly aquariums. They are known for their cute, wiggly movements and sociable nature. Kids will love watching these adorable fish scuttle around the bottom of the tank.
These catfish are great for helping keep the aquarium clean, as they are scavengers that feed on leftover food and algae. However, it’s important to ensure they have a balanced diet by providing them with sinking pellets or wafers.
Corydoras are schooling fish, so keeping them in groups of at least six will ensure they are happy and healthy. They prefer a tank with a soft substrate to protect their delicate barbels, and they thrive in a well-maintained aquarium with stable water parameters.
Corydoras Catfish are a wonderful choice for families looking to introduce children to the joys of aquarium keeping in a fun and interactive way.
9. Cherry Barbs

Cherry Barbs are small, colorful fish that add a splash of red to any aquarium. Their vibrant red coloration, especially in males, is a real eye-catcher, making them popular in kid-friendly tanks. These peaceful fish are easy to care for and are well-suited for community aquariums.
Cherry Barbs prefer to be in groups, so keeping them in schools of at least six is recommended. This allows them to display natural behaviors, which can be fascinating for children to observe. They are generally hardy fish that can adapt to a range of water conditions.
Feeding Cherry Barbs is uncomplicated. They enjoy a diet of flakes, small pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp.
Providing a varied diet will keep them healthy and maintain their brilliant colors. Their active nature and engaging behaviors make Cherry Barbs a delightful addition to any child-friendly aquarium.
10. Panda Corydoras

Panda Corydoras are charming little catfish known for their distinctive black-and-white coloring, reminiscent of a panda bear.
These peaceful fish are perfect for kids, as they are easy to care for and have an endearing appearance. They spend much of their time at the bottom of the tank, sifting through the sand for food.
Like other corydoras, panda corys are social creatures and prefer to be in groups. Keeping them in schools of five or more will allow them to exhibit natural behaviors. Their playful antics and gentle demeanor make them a joy to watch.
Panda Corydoras are not picky eaters and will consume a variety of foods, including sinking pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods such as bloodworms. Ensuring a balanced diet will help maintain their health and vibrant colors.
These delightful fish are a great way to introduce children to the world of aquariums, offering both beauty and an opportunity to learn about underwater life.
11. Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin Rasboras are small, attractive fish known for their distinctive black triangle marking on the rear half of their body.
These hardy fish are perfect for beginners, as they are easy to care for and adapt well to various water conditions. Their peaceful nature makes them suitable for community tanks with other non-aggressive species.
Harlequin Rasboras are schooling fish, so it’s best to keep them in groups of six or more. Their synchronized swimming patterns and group dynamics can be mesmerizing for children to watch. They thrive in a well-planted tank, which provides them with plenty of hiding spots and areas to explore.
These fish are not fussy eaters and will accept a wide range of foods, including flake foods, micro-pellets, and live or frozen options like daphnia and brine shrimp.
Harlequin Rasboras are a fantastic choice for families looking to add a touch of elegance and activity to their aquarium, while also offering a great learning experience for young aquarists.
12. Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gouramis are known for their vibrant colors and peaceful demeanor, making them an excellent choice for kid-friendly aquariums. Their beautiful shades of blue, red, and green shimmer under the light, creating a stunning display that captivates onlookers.
These fish are labyrinth fish, which means they can breathe air from the surface, so a tank with a lid is essential to prevent them from jumping out. Dwarf Gouramis prefer a well-planted tank with gentle water flow, allowing them to explore and find hiding spots.
Caring for Dwarf Gouramis is relatively easy. They enjoy a varied diet, which can include flake foods, small pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms.
Their gentle nature and captivating beauty make them a wonderful addition to a family aquarium, providing children with an opportunity to learn about fish care and the diverse world of aquatic life.