Parenting is a challenge. There are so many things to consider! Food, clothes, toys, diapers, and a college fund. You name it!
The only clear thing about parenting is this: there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Every human raises their child differently. But what about animals?
It’s a similar thing! Some are overprotective, while others have a more hands-off approach. Whatever the case may be, peek into the world of animals whose parenting styles may intrigue you! Who knows, you may learn some techniques!
1. Emperor Penguins

Penguin dads can teach us a whole lot of things when it comes to parenting. They take on full parenting duty in some of the harshest of conditions in nature!
The mom usually heads off to hunt, while the father holds the egg between his feet. He has to keep it warm somehow! Penguin dads put up with this for weeks, often without food if they have to! All until the chick hatches.
These champion dads deserve a medal!
2. Cichlids

These fish are quite dedicated when it comes to protecting their young. What do they do? The parent cichlid carries eggs and hatchlings in their mouths! All to keep them safe!
Sometimes, they might even suck the babies in if the danger is too much to bear! Imagine finding your babies so cute that you eat them up (without actually, you know, eating and digesting them!)
3. Orangutans

Orangutan supermoms spend around 8 years with their babies. For the animal kingdom, that’s quite a long time! But this time is surely well-spent because they teach their babies all kinds of survival skills!
Sure, orangutan younglings get babied a lot. But that doesn’t mean they’re incompetent! These cuties are self-reliant thanks to their moms!
4. Elephant Seals

Their babies are born into a whole movie scene: their moms bring them into this world on beaches! Before they know it, the moms feed them with nutrient-rich milk.
It’s kind of like visiting grandma for Thanksgiving. You barely entered the house, and you’re already at the dinner table!
The pup is sure to get the best start in life with a full tummy and pretty scenery. The cost? The moms sacrifice a lot of their energy stores to ensure this beachy safety!
5. Emperor Scorpions

Scorpions! Think about them! Tiny dangerous critters that could end you with one sting! Those tiny monsters have no way of showing care, right? Well, you’d be wrong!
Scorpions show lots of maternal care! The mothers are more than happy to carry their newborns on their backs for several weeks! And then? The babies go on, and venture into the world on their own!
I can picture it: a Midwest desert. A once-baby scorpion tips an imaginary hat to their mother, “Adieu” the baby says. The credits roll. The scorpion rides into the sunset.
6. Alligators

They’re surprisingly similar to scorpions. Except that they are bigger and larger, have sharper teeth, and are more intimidating, and I could go on, and on.
They carry their hatchlings in their jaws for up to a year. That’s such a cool crib! Sitting in the mouth of a beast knowing you’re safe, just chilling, and having no worry in the world for a year? Sign me up!