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6 Animals That Have Adapted To Surviving In Cities

6 Animals That Have Adapted To Surviving In Cities

It’s not surprising for humans and animals to share their space, mostly due to us invading their natural habitats. But animals approaching our modern ways of living? Now that’s something quite unusual, or isn’t it?

I’m not talking about the occasional visits for food, I mean fully embracing the city life.

How well have these creatures really adjusted to big lights, constant noise and various threads?

Let’s find out which 6 animals have adapted to cities, thriving in the modern world among tall buildings and busy streets.

1. Owls

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Sometimes, you just have to go live in a big town and find more opportunities for yourself, just like the ambitious owls did. In the search for better food sources and shelter, urban areas became their home.

Since cities have a large population of small mammals, owls have no trouble finding food. It’s like having everything served on a plate. 

They spend their days resting, and at night, when the whole town falls asleep, owls hunt.

Rooftops and old buildings are their shelters, where they fully embrace their city living era.

2. Raccoons

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Trash, food waste, other animals: you name it, raccoons will eat it. Being a picky eater is just not their way of enjoying life.

This might fool you into thinking these aren’t the wisest, but in reality, they are actually very smart. This helps them adapt to any environment, no matter how harsh it gets.

Better lock yourself, raccoons can even learn to open doors!

3. Squirrel

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These creatures often hop around parks, giving us a glimpse into their daily routines and behavior.

They don’t have it as bad as one might think, squirrels actually enjoy urban life. This way, they don’t have to compete with other species for food, nor do they have natural predators around them.

These smart animals have no trouble co-existing with humans, and find ways to benefit from them. The occasional feeding and attention doesn’t seem to hurt them.

4. Rats

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Although we don’t really have a choice, rats aren’t exactly our favorite option for coexistence.

These sneaky creatures carry various pesticides and diseases, and though they hide under the surface of the towns, that doesn’t make them less harmful to humans.

It’s not like they care about our opinion, since life couldn’t get better for them. Just look at all the dumpsters, it’s like having an endless source of snacks.

5. Swans

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As beautiful as they are, Swans don’t belong next to us. 

Sure it seems fun to watch and feed them, but in reality, food like bread can lead them to having digestive issues. Swans are also very territorial and likely to attack if feeling threatened.

What adds to this is the water and air pollution, as these creatures ingest harmful chemicals and toxins, this affects their health and quality of life.

6. Pigeons

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This one isn’t a shocker, since pigeons roam every corner of cities: buildings, streets, parks, bridges. Whenever you look, there’s a pigeon.

They enjoy the simple life with food possibilities in every pocket of the city. But just because they love it, doesn’t mean it’s the best option for them.

Not only do they face various threads from other creatures, many often suffer from diseases due to contaminated food and water sources.

And if we’re being totally honest, there’s nothing worse than the dirt and filth these leave behind.