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Rare Wild Creature Gets Trapped In A Soccer Net Struggling Helplessly To Free Itself

Rare Wild Creature Gets Trapped In A Soccer Net Struggling Helplessly To Free Itself

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One night, an American badger roamed the countryside, searching for tasty grubs as she always did. However, her peaceful night took a dramatic turn when she got ensnared in a soccer net left behind from a local game.

The net was tight around her, pinning her head and making her completely immobile.

american badger
Source: Facebook

The next morning, a concerned passerby spotted the distressed badger trapped in the net and quickly called the Tucson Wildlife Center (TWC).

When their rescue team arrived, their hearts sank at the sight of the poor badger struggling helplessly. Yet, they were relieved to find that despite her ordeal, she hadn’t sustained any severe injuries, sharing in a Facebook post:

“After receiving a call that a badger was tangled in the netting of a soccer goal, one of Tucson Wildlife Center’s rescue team members quickly arrived at the site. After safely sedating the badger, he carefully began freeing the animal from the net.”

people walking
Source: Facebook

As they carefully cut the net away, the frightened creature was finally safe. They transported her to TWC, where staff members were astonished to see a badger in their care.

Fortunately, the badger didn’t suffer any serious injuries, as TWX shared:

“Luckily for our badger, she was discovered early in the morning and was suffering only from a constriction wound with swelling of a hind limb, minor dehydration, stress, and exhaustion.”

wild American badger
Source: Facebook

Sadly, the scenario was all too familiar for TWC. Wildlife entangled in various types of netting is a common occurrence, as they explained:

“Soccer nets (and nets used in other sports such as tennis and volleyball) can pose several dangers to wildlife, especially nocturnal animals like our badger. Entanglement in the netting can lead to injury, stress, or even death if the animal cannot free itself.”

To avoid such incidents, TWC advises securing all nets when not in use and ensuring that netted areas are safely enclosed. They also stress the importance of expert intervention if an animal is found trapped, sharing:

“You don’t want an inexperienced person going and getting them out of the [net]. You need to be trained to do it.”

sweet wild American badger
Source: Facebook

Fortunately, the badger’s story had a happy ending. After a few days of rest, treatment, and careful observation, she was ready for release.

TWC’s team transported her back to wild, choosing a spot rich in resources to help her thrive. They were relieved that this little creature was able to return to where she belongs, safe and sound, sharing:

“Tucson Wildlife Center’s release team transported the badger to a safe, resource-rich area in the vicinity where she was originally found. Upon exiting her crate, she headed for a treed area above the dry wash where she was released.”

beautiful wild American badger
Source: Facebook

As the badger scampered away, she paused for a brief moment, casting a final, grateful glance at her human saviors. Then, with a newfound freedom, she disappeared into the wild.