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Abused Wolf Dog Recognizes His Long Lost Brother In A Heart-Melting Reunion

Abused Wolf Dog Recognizes His Long Lost Brother In A Heart-Melting Reunion

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Arctic Fox Daily is a non-profit organization run by the amazing Kimberly in Upstate New York.

wolf dog and woman
Credit: YouTube

Kimberly devoted her life and estate to animals in need, creating a sanctuary for neglected and abused animals.

Over the past few years, she rescued many wolf dogs, creating a big wolf-dog pack in her sanctuary. However, one wolf-dog in particular was special to her, and here is why.

abused wolf dog
Credit: YouTube

Jacob, a majestic and beautiful wolf-dog was rescued from a breeding farm. Poor Jacob was abused by the breeder, crushing his spirits and health. Luckily, Kim stepped in and managed to save him from a desperate situation.

Sadly, years of abuse caused Jacob to be shy and scared of every movement around him. So when Kimberly brought him to her sanctuary, he had to spend the first few nights in her home instead of outside with the pack.

hole in window
Credit: YouTube

Although Kim gave him all the space he needed, Jacob was not used to inside life. He badly wanted to join the rest of the pack, as Kimberly mentioned in a video:

“He wanted to be outside so badly. He was busting every blind in my house.”

Kim decided to introduce Jacob to the rest of her pack where he would finally be able to live free. However, once Jacob met the rest of the pack his behavior changed.

photo of wolf dog
Credit: YouTube

Jacob was shy from the beginning, but once he met his wolf-dog friends he completely forgot about Kim. She knew they would need months to build a trusting relationship and Kim was not giving up.

little girl feeding wolf dog through fence
Credit: YouTube

Adorably, there was only one person Jacob liked and it was Kim’s little daughter Ella. She was the only one Jacob would take treats from and come close to. 

However, Kim had no idea that just in a couple of days she would see Jacob’s true face. She was informed about another wolf-dog who was abused by the same breeder and needed a safe place to call home. 

wolf dog next to a fence
Credit: YouTube

Turns out, it was Jacob’s brother from the same litter named Vardan. When Kim brought him to her sanctuary he spent the first night isolated before joining the pack.

This didn’t stop Jacob from being close to his brother. The gentle giant came to the fence and spent the night next to his brother, almost as if he was telling him everything would be alright. 

When the day came to release Vardan into the enclosure, Jacob welcomed him with open paws, and the two were officially reunited! As Kimberly also shared:

“A couple weeks after Vardan arrived, Jacob actually took food from me through the fence for the first time ever! Vardan is helping bring Jacob out of his shell even more!”

pack of wolf dogs
Credit: YouTube

Although Jacob was traumatized, the presence of his brother Vardan helped him trust Kimberly more. The two were now safe and sound under Kim’s caring wing. As she also said:

“I feel honored that I was the one who was entrusted with not only Jacob but now his brother Vardan too. And it has been heartwarming to be able to watch their relationship develop, even after spending over a year and a half apart.”

two wolf dogs
Credit: YouTube

Thanks to Kimberly, these gentle giants can roam free and heal from their trauma. If you want to see more of Jacob and his pack, make sure to follow Kimberly over on Instagram!